1.1 last year curtain-fry

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Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts.

The sparkling, ruby-red train was one of the things Josephine remembered clearly

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The sparkling, ruby-red train was one of the things Josephine remembered clearly. It was hard to forget such a large and flashy vehicle, so naturally she didn't. Just like the last time she'd been here, she was in awe. Her eyes landed on a particularly large poster that stuck to a door, a moving man who seemed to be screaming at the camera could be seen. Josephine recognised it as a Wanted poster of Sirius Black, promising to duly award any information given about the man (a poster she had seen hanging around a lot). She glanced next to her and saw a thin, black dog staring at the poster with large eyes.
She smiled at the animal, leaning down to rub it's head which he happily complied to, "Yeah buddy, he's kinda smash."


"Yo Dean! Identical compartment as lest year?" The booming voice of her friend Seamus Finnigan woke Josephine up. She lifted her head from against the cold window of the Hogwarts Express and stretched, pushing her magazine from her lap. It landed on the ground with a thud.

Josephine peeked her head a quarter out of her trusty compartement, the one she had sat in every ride since she took that train a year ago to experience her first year of hogwarts. Not that there was a lot of experiencing, she had been petrified before she had even been there for a month.

She saw the two boys enter the compartement in front of her and chuckled, slipping out if her own compartment and peeking her head inside theirs. "That's not even the same compartememt, kind of a skill issue to be honest," she jokingly rolled her eyes. Seamus sniffed dramatically, not turning around to face the girl who now had a smirk plastered on her face, "It's like i can still hear her voice, telling us that were in the wrong compartment." he said theatrically. Dean perked up, " I'on know dude, that sounded pretty real-" the words died in his throat as he turned his head to look at the door that he had heard sliding open. There stood the girl he had been thinking about for two months, his favourite Ravenclaw, his Josephine Malaika.

The muggle book he was reading, the one Josephine had tucked in her bag last year, slid out of his hands and landed on the floor with a thud. He could hear Seamus say something about Jo's parents but he couldn't recognise what through the ringing and buzzing in his ears.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, the boy shuffled closer, until their noses almost touched. He could feel her hot breath on his face and he reached out to touch her shoulder, almost as if to confirm she was actually there and not just a fragment of his imagination. Once his warm fingertips made contact withe her cold skin, his face broke in the largest smile he had worn in months. He wrapped his arms round the thin, younger girl and pulled her into a firm hug. She giggled at his disbelief. "But- your parents, petrified- i don't understand!" he whispered, his cheek against hers. Josephine laughed, "Don't worry about it, i'm here now, aren't i?" an she was. She was there and real and she couldn't think of any place she'd rather be than with her two best friends, right here, right now.

Ludic ― Dean ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now