1.3 Lying stank-ass

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Risking is better than regretting

❝Risking is better than regretting❞

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"Jo, catch!"

Padma Patil grinned when Josephine's hand flew in the air to catch the paper ball that had been thrown at her, the Malaika girl unsure of what plan she had started in Padma's head. Though, the older Ravenclaw's speculations were correct, Josephine had incredible reflexes, and would perfectly fit as a chaser.

"You should join the Quidditch tryouts, i heard Davies was searching for a beater and two chasers," the girl mentioned. Josephine tilted her head, "Quidditch? I don't know if you noticed babe, but i'm not all that sporty. I get out of breath running up these stairs," she laughed, Padma rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but Quidditch is relly fun, at least check it out!" she tried, to which Josephine just nodded in defeat. 


Roger Davies was scary, Josephine had to admit. It hadn't even been ten minutes into the try-outs and he was already yelling like crazy.

"Okay everyone, shut! If you came to try for beater, go left, and for chaser right!" he yelled, splitting the group into two. Josephine followed an auburn haired girl to the right, but decided to keep her distance from the others when the girl shot her a nasty glare.

Davies let out a sigh, "Beaters, run three laps around the pitch, Chasers, follow me!", Josephine furrowed her eyebrows in pity to the beaters, some of which loooked ready to pack their bags and leave after hearing it, though no one did. Josephine clutched her comet 220 tightly, her palms sweating. It wasn't even her broom! She had to aak madam Hooch to borrow one from school!

The girl mounted her broom just like Davies told her to and flew up, hanging around one of the goalposts. "Alright, were playing a friendly game without snitch, Malaika and Trays, you two are in Cho's team, Evan and Rombout, you guys are with me! The first team to score thirty points wins and plays against the next group!" Davies yelled, before harshly blowing on his whistle. Cho took her place in front of the posts and Michael Trays darted over to the other side of the field. Josephine groaned as she saw the other team already passing the Quaffle to one another. She pulled up her broom, that shook a little, and made a sharp twist, surprising Evelyn Rombout whom was holding the Quaffle at that moment. She dropped it, and Josephine dove down and caught it with both hands.

Determined to get to Davies, Josephine darted across the field. She made a swift turn to avoid crashing into Nick Evan, and stopped in front of the hoops. Roger Davies shot her a challenging look. The Ravenclaw made eye contact with Micheal, whol was hovering behind Davies, and shot him a wink. With that, she tossed the Quaffle over Rogers head, allowing Michael to catch it and swiftly score. Padma let out an encouraging holler and clapped. Davies raised his eyebrow at her.

Josephine had managed to score again in the next ten minutes, but Evelyn and Nick did too. It was 2-2. Josephine spun around like a bullet with the Quaffle until she got close enough to Davies, before tossing it to Michael and catching it again when he threw it. With a smug smile on her face, she slowly pushed in the Quaffle, grinning at his defeated look.

After what seems like years of scoring and sweating and flying, Josephine finally landed on the ground. Roger Davies and Cho Chang had locked themselves in the locker rooms to decide who to chose for both of the positions. She stumbled on her feet a bit before being tackles in a hug by Padma, "Hon, you did amazing, i'm so proud of you!" she squealed. Josephine scratched the back if her head, "Calm down, i wasn't that good. I was just like everyone else!" she tried, but Padma shook her head, "You shut your lying stank-ass up, girl your the youngest of the bunch but managed to score the most goals, that's gotta mean you'll be chosen!"

And Padma wasn't wrong. When Cho and Roger  returned and apologised for the wait, they called if twi names to fil in the positions. "Nancy Banks, were happy to anounce you as one of our new team beaters!" Cho yelled, the girl in question looking totally shocked as she smiled.

"Now for our two new chasers, we had a hard time deciding. We both really appreciate you all coming here today to try out, you all did amazing. Though Jeremy Stretton and Josephine Malaika, i'm pleased to announce you two as out new chasers!" Cho smiled. Padma wrapped her arm around Josephine once again, Josephine pressing her smile against her friends shoulder. "You mad it Jo!" she squealed. "Yeah, i did."

Lola speaks!Okay so really really really short shitpost BUT i need to fill the gaps before i canstart writing about Sirius BECAUSE i want 10 chaps per year

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Lola speaks!
Okay so really really really short shitpost BUT i need to fill the gaps before i canstart writing about Sirius BECAUSE i want 10 chaps per year.
I knoowieowoeowo that this chap was hughly unrealistic and i'll probs delete but yee 🥰
Lotsaluv, Lo

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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