1.0 creepy turd-biscuit

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How lucky i am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard

"Yo Dean, Jo! I think this compartment is free?" Seamus yelled at his two friends who stood a few feet away from him, also looking for a spot to sit in the Hogwarts Express

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"Yo Dean, Jo! I think this compartment is free?" Seamus yelled at his two friends who stood a few feet away from him, also looking for a spot to sit in the Hogwarts Express.

Josephine rushed towards her Irish friend and checked the compartement which was, in fact, empty.  She motioned for Dean to join them and took place next to the window. Dean and Seamus took place in front of her. She cracked a smile at the familiar position.

"Ya mind we sit here? Everywhere else is full."

Josephine smiled. "Nahh, don't mind at all."

"sweet!" the first boy exclaimed, before making himself comfortable on the seat in front of her. The dark skinned boy plopped down next to him.

"Shit Jo! You'll be a second year next time we see ya!" Seamus exclaimed, "Our baby is growing up so fast.." he pinked away a few fake tears. Josephine laughed at his behaviour and shared a look with Dean, whom was staring sceptically at the Irish boy.

"I hope Dumbledore fired Lockhart, the idiot couldn't even get a dog to sit." Muttered Dean. Josephine began giggling uncontrollably at his comment. Seamus raised an eyebrow at her.

She reached down her pockets and grabbed something that was certainly not taken much care of. She pulled out a pink card with their former teacher on it, with pink letters all over it saying To miss Morkley, wishing you a speedy recover from your concerned teacher, professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award.

Dean and Seamus burst into laughing at the card, and Josephine joined. "That creepy turd-biscuit! Not him literally hittin' on minors." Her Irish friend complained, making Josephine flush a bright red. Dean plucked the card from her hand and fished a black marker from his pocket, popping the lid of with his mouth he started scribbling on the card.

 Dean plucked the card from her hand and fished a black marker from his pocket, popping the lid of with his mouth he started scribbling on the card

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Josephine giggled when she saw what her friend had done to the card. Dean popped the lid back on the marker and handed her the card. "I think he looks way better like this!" he exclaimed proudly, getting up and taking a seat next to Josephine to be able to look at the card better. "I wouldn't say that's too hard," she laughed along.

Seamus sighed theatrically and rested his legs on the spot where his friend was seated a few seconds ago. "We shuid aye sit like this, shank space is wicked chill!" he grinned, making Dean jokingly frown. "I thought you liked me!" he buried his face in his hands. Seamus and Josephine shared a look, "Dean honey, we talked about this, no one likes you-" Josephine started, her own laugh cutting her off. Dean tried to look as mad as he could at her but a smile cracked and soon the three were laughing again.

"I hope third year- or second year for ickle Jo- will be calmer! Lockhart was an absolute nut job and Quirrell was a pedophile," Dean complained, slinging an arm around his female friend. Seamus nodded, "Yeah! I feel so sae fur Arizona pal, she literally wis his target!" Dean nodded in agreement, his hands fiddling with the soft fabric of Josephine's sweater.

"Shitt, Poor Arizona though. She looks really nice to me!" Josephine added, before yawning, "Dudes, i'm actually feeling a bit tired. Wake me up when we're there, will ya?" she informed the boys, before slumping down against Dean's shoulder. Seamus blinked, "Nae, she didn' just fall asleep, did she?"

Dean nodded, "I think she did mate," he pulled out his wand and poked her in the face, he got no reaction.


"Psst- Jo!" Seamus hissed to his friend who was still in deep sleep. "WAKE UP!" he yelled. Josephine jumped up, glaring heavily at her Scottish friend. He smiled at her, "Were here,".

She looked out the window, a hoard of witches and wizards stood on the station, waiting to pick up their children. She looked at her reflection and wiped away some dried tear-fluid that had gathered in the corners of her eyes. She knew she had to break the news to her friends soon, because the longer she waited, the more ut was going to hurt.

"Um.. it was an honest pleasure meeting you?" she murmured. The boys looked up to her in confusion, "What are you talkin' 'bout?" Dean questioned, his eyebrows furrowed. The girl sighed, "I mean, me parents probably won't let me come back, after the whole petrify thing.". There, she said it! Her heart broke at the crestfallen expressions of the boys.

Dean was the girst one to speak again, "We'll owl you.. everyday! And i guess we'll just have to make the most of it.." Before she knew what was going on she was pulled into a deep hug. Dean's arms wrapped around her waist while her's hung loosely around his shoulders. It lasted a few seconds, before the two students pulled away.

"We'll really miss you Jo, honest."


"Ma, please!" Josephine asked her mother for the billionth since the vacation started. Emilia shook her head, just like any other time, "It's a dangerous, irresponsible school! I'm not letting you go back!" she yelled back, "God, i hate you!" she shrieked, slamming the door shut and stomping up the stairs. Emilia let out a sigh, taking a seat in the velvet green loveseat. She knew that for her daughter to be happy, she had to ket her go to Gogwearts or whatever it was called. She knew what she had to do, but please.. let her pretend that she's a good mother for a little longer.

She pulled out a pen from between the cushions and started writing on a piece of paper. She had no clue how to send letters to a magical school, and she yelped in surprise when a barn owl landed on the coffee table she had been previously writing on. It stuck out his leg for Emilia to tie the letter on. With a heavy heart, the mother did and opened the window for the owl to leave. She knew that for her daughter to be happy, she had to go.

 She knew that for her daughter to be happy, she had to go

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