0.4 Jo-phee

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when you can't look at the bright side, i will sit with you in the dark

❝when you can't look at the bright side, i will sit with you in the dark❞

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Time flies in Hogwarts.
Josephine had not believed people when they told her, but now she realised what they meant, as it was already nearing Hallowe'en.

Josephine had met a really nice girl called Luna Lovegood. She was her dorm mate, and slept in the bed above Josephine. The two girls immediately had a strong connection, and sat together anywhere they could.

Hallowe'en was Josephine's favourite day in the year. And she couldn't stop smiling when she saw the incredible state the great hall was in. Bat's flew around and pumpkins were floating in the air. Skeletons were dancing and dark music was playing.

Josephine linked her arm with Luna and spotted Ginny at the Gryffindor table. She wanted to go say hello, but decided not to, seeing the state she was in. Her pale face and sunken eyes almost made her look like a part of the decoration.

She and Luna sat down at the Ravenclaw table, and Josephine started excitedly talking about their plans for today. There were no classes, so she and Luna decided to go sit at the black lake and read. Josephine would take her muggle radio, and the two girls would go to the kitchens to get a picknick basket.

Josephine had heard two gingers talking about going to the kitchen's later, and found out she just had to tickle the pear on the painting down the stairs under the great hall to make it turn into a door. She decided she would test that theory.

Josephine stopped in front of a large painting of a fruitbowl. Luna had went up to their dorms to grab her muggle radio, and put in her earrings, so Josephine went alone.

She felt ridiculous tickling a painting, but to her surprise, the pear turned into a large green
door handle. Josephine decided to not question it too much, and just enter.

She entered the room and was struck with awe. The enormous high-ceilinged room, large as the great hall above it, with mounds of glittering brass pots and pans heaped around the stone walls intimidated her.

Immediately, three small creatures ran up to her. They had wide eyes and large, bat-like ears. Josephine felt kind if disgusted, but decided to keep that to herself.

Josephine had read about these obviously.. These were house-elves.

"Hello miss! I'm Fiddle miss! What can Fiddle do for miss?"  The house-elf called Fiddle squeaked.

"Uhm yeah. I'm Josephine Malaika! I was wondering if you could make a- picknick basket? If it's not too much asked.." Josephine was unsure how she should act towards these totally new creatures.  She decided on careful and polite.

"Okay miss Jo-phee! I can add snack's too! Is that okay miss Jo-phee? Your basket is almost ready miss Jo-phee!"

Josephine smiled as the house-elf tried to pronounce her name. "That would be lovely Fiddle, thank you so much!"

But Fiddle shook his head as he handed hee the basket. "It's a pleasure! Come again soon miss

Luna joined Josephine with the muggle radio in her hand.  Luna had the time of her life switching music and replaying it. Padma had used a spell to make her curling-iron work, and she used that one to make Josephine's radio work too.

As the two Ravenclaws settled under a large tree, Josephine felt a wave of calmness flood over her. Her head hit Luna's shoulder, and immediately she was gone. Sleeping until the late hours of the afternoon, sometimes waking up for a cauldron cake, or a chocolate frog. Josephine decided that cauldron cakes were the best thing to ever happen to her.

As the sky around them turned dark, the Ravenclaws packed up and headed towards the castle.

She and Luna were strolling down a corridor, that had seemingly flooded, looking for the great hall when both heard a boy yell.

"-it's saying things like "Kill, must die, blood"! Hermione, Ron, Ari, You gotta believe me! W-What's that?"

That alarmed Josephine, and she protectively grabbed Luna's hand and followed the voice. There stood Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Arizona Morkley, in front of a wall. When the two girls got closer, they noticed Miss Norris hanging from a torch, seemingly petrified.

On the wall was a message. It had been smeared on there with a red substance, that couldn't be anything other than blood. Josephine stumbled back and screamed, and slowly the corridor filled with students, all gawking at the wall.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖉. 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗, 𝖇𝖊𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖊.

Some other student's screamed or started crying, but a boy with white, gelled back hair laughed.

"Enemies of the heir! He's talking about mudbloods! He's coming to get you!"

This made Josephine panic, because she knew what the foul word meant. It meant muggleborns like herself would be 'taken'.

Luna grabbed her hand tighter, and hummed a soft melody, calming Jo a little. Filch came running towards the group of students.

"Miss Norris! No! Potter! What have you done to her!?" He started ugly-crying. Josephine felt bad for the man.

Dumbledore soon arrived, and everyone was sent back to their common room.

Josephine was scared. So so scared. Even as Luna tried to calm her down, she was still scared, and even when she showered, she was still scared.

A poem. A poem to rest, and cover it up as a prank. She stood up and took a seat in the common toom with her notebook.

The color is chipping off my nails, the faint pink and blue just recognizable. When I look at it I see nothing. Just deep pits where my nails would be. Wells deep, as deep as my thoughts, as my tears, and from when I laughed. I love the sun, but there is no sun, I hate crying, but my jaws are never dry. My muscles ache from running from my troubles, and there's a red rim around my eyes.

Josephine had to admit this wasn't great. but it definitely took her mind off of the gruels of the petrified.

Exhausted, she only just was able to brush her teeth and change into her pyjama before she passed out in her bed, dreaming about snakes and brooms.

Exhausted, she only just was able to brush her teeth and change into her pyjama before she passed out in her bed, dreaming about snakes and brooms

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Lola speaks!
two updates in one day?? its a miracle

idk i feel like my chaps r poopoo😭😭

pls give me advice 😖😖

poem is mine uwu


uhm anywhores
Lotsaluv, Lo

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