0.5 maria's twisted knickerz

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create the life you can't wait to wake up to.

To say Josephine was scared is an understatement

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To say Josephine was scared is an understatement. She was frightened. Her paranoia had stooped down a level when she woke up, but she still felt a knot in
her stomach, telling her something was wrong. And something was wrong indeed.

A student had been petrified. Colin Creevey. A first year only. A muggle-born like Josephine is. If he was petrified, what would stop the creature from petrifying her?

It seems like the teachers had realised this, and now no-one was allowed to wander in the halls alone. Everyone would be brought from one class to another, and especially muggle-borns like herself were keepen a close eye on.

Josephine was sure that Gilderoy Lockhart was the most stupid male she had met in her 11 years of living. He decided, that it would be a great idea to start a duelling club.

The Ravenclaw had at first agreed with his thinking, knowing she and other students had to know how to protect themselves.

Only when she saw her teacher Defence in action, she knew this would not go great.

First, Lockhart had been disarmed barely a minute into the defence class, by professor Snape, who teaches potions.

Then, he made blonde gel kid and ravenette glassed kid battle, which ended up in ravenette speaking some weird snake language which she first assumed everyone could do, but seeing the reaction of everyone made her think that this wasn't so common after all...

After the ravenette stormed out, everyone had been assigned duelling partners.  Josephine could not express how happy she was to be paired with Dean.

"So, Malaika. Ready to be disarmed 'till death?" Dean chided smugly. Josephine laughed at the formality of his words.

"I don't know Thomas, tell me how it feels after." she countered. Dean and she bowed to one another before he fired the disarming spell at her. She slid to the left, and dodged it. 

She pulled her want from her hair, which floated down graciously, and shot the same spell at him, making him stumble as his wand flew into her hand.

A smug smile took over her face as Dean looked at her in defeat. "Alright Josie, you got me there... Bet you can't do it again!"

Josephine did, in fact, do it again. She managed to disarm Dean seven more times, while he had disarmed her three times.

Dean had slowly grown fond of the girl and her sarcastic remarks, witty replies and funny attitude.

Dean agrees with the Josephine, the defence class didn't teach them anything. But it wasn't a waste of time. He enjoyed the bonding he and the first-year had.

"Hey Josie, can we after this not go back to not talking again? We miss you." Dean mumbled, with "we" referring to him and Seamus.

Josephine was a lot of things, but she wasn't stupid. She knew she had been distancing her from Dean and Seamus. Hell, even Padma and her twin sister and her group. Sometimes Josephine felt like she was annoying the second years, so she decided not to take any risks and stop waving to then between classes or making eye-contact at meals.

Dean had been the first one to say something about it, and honestly, she was kind of glad. She missed him.

And Seamus.

"I promise i won't. I'm just so scared Dean." The Ravenclaw confessed, and The Gryffindor biy sympathised with her. Her first year at Hogwarts definitely had not been a blast. He did not know how much worse it could get.

"No because i actually genuinely think Dumbledore is gay. No straight man wears that!" Josephine exclaimed beteren laughs.

She, Dean and Seamus were on their way to the great hall for supper, returning from the library where Josephine had been studying for Charms, while Seamus and Dean did all they could to distract her.

Eventually, she gave in and closed the book and checked it out with Ma'am Irma Pince, the school librarian. She was a nice woman, sometimes a little strict, but very caring and protective over her books. Josephine promised she'd make sure nothing happened to the book, to which Ma'am Pince smiled in appreciation.

Now, the trio wandered through the corridors of the first floor, heading towards the great hall. Normally, Josephine would be scared shitless. But with her friends next to her she felt secure, and comfortable.

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit! Maria's twisted knickers! What the fuck... What the fuck!?" Josephine shrieked as she turned a corridor.

Josephine Malaika, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan had just found the bodies of a girl called Rosaline Linkers and the ghost Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington. Both petrified.

"Please tell me you guys are seeing this right now because i am scared shitless!" Seamus pulled an arm around Josephine, and Dean stumbled back.

"Let's go to McGonagall, she'll know what to do.." Dean stuttered, and Josephine could only nod.

Seamus turned Josephine's head away from the the petrified, and placed his two hands on her shoulders.

"Josephine sweetheart. I promise you that wilnae happen tae ye. I promise you, ye'll be alright." Seamus whispered to her in a low tone, practically reading her mind. The girl slowed her breathing and nodded stiffly.

Professor McGonagall and professor Flitwick rushed down the corridor, met by two chalk-white faced children.

Lola speaks!let's be honestthis is poopoobut it's 4 am so idrc💋❤️💓🫶Lotsaluv, Lo

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Lola speaks!
let's be honest
this is poopoo
but it's 4 am so idrc
Lotsaluv, Lo

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