The Fight

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    I woke up to the sunlight shining on my face. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed. I looked at the little figure stirring next to me. She was awake too.

"Good morning, big sister," she said with a cheerful yet sleepy voice.

"Good morniingg," I replied, stretching the word.

We got out of bed and went downstairs. It was still early, so my parents hadn't woken up yet. After Ela and I washed our hands and faces, we headed to the kitchen.

"Shall we have a nice breakfast?" I asked.

"Yesss," she replied, clapping her hands and nodding.

When I opened the fridge, there were only a few food items inside: eggs, cheese, olives, lettuce, and cucumbers. That was all we had.

I took out the eggs and rummaged through the cabinets to find a bowl. After finding one, I cracked three eggs into it and added some cheese. As I went about my business, a beautiful "Sunday breakfast" emerged. I was hungry as I looked at the amazing spread on the old, small table.

"Thank you, Ela," I said with a smile.

"Thank you, big sister," she replied, covering her mouth with her little hands and giggling. The word "big sister" was so beautiful.

"What are you doing there?!" Of course, that angry voice belonged to my mother.

"Mom, look, we prepared a lovely breakfast, and Dad..."

"Who told you to enter my kitchen?" her voice was excessively loud. I instinctively took a step back. "Who told you to touch our food?" she yelled as she approached us. Her blue eyes widened in a way that was impossible not to be scared.

"I... we were just..." before I could finish my sentence, slaps rained down on us, and our faces instantly turned to the left as all the pain concentrated on our right cheeks, leaving our faces bright red.

"What's going on here? What's all this noise?" When I heard my father's voice, I immediately looked up at him, hoping for help.


"What's wrong? What happened?"

"I... I prepared breakfast for us, but I think Mom didn't like it," I said, looking at my mother.

"They were going to eat our food without asking, my love. They don't even have money for food, yet they dare to eat our meals," she said, staring at me angrily.

"But we..."

"Go earn your own money, then you can eat. Be grateful we're letting you stay at home, you stupid girl!"

"But I don't know anything about this place, where am I going to earn money?" I said desperately.

"You'll fight in hell and bring us money, that's how! That's your only way! But if you can't win, you stupid fish, I won't enroll you in school. You'll end up whoring with your sister to earn money outside," my father said with a disgusting laughter, adding, "But if you win, I'll enroll you in the best school. Let's cut you some slack for now. You'll only have to make it through the first round in your first match. You can quit in the second round, but remember, this only applies to your first match. Got it?" he said, winking.

"But I don't know how to fight. Where will I learn, who will teach me? I can't do this!" I said with fear.

"It's up to you then. Take Ela and get out to the streets right now!" my father said, looking at Ela and then at me. Without looking at my father, I ran out quickly, slamming the door and making a loud noise that echoed through the empty street.

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