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22nd September, 2023

Dear Diary,

Today was mesmerizing and beautiful. The Sun came up in the morning, and was there all day. It was so lovely, cool and bright. Days like these always remind me of certain...memories.

I was wearing a white t-shirt in the morning, which San had given me once when we went shopping in a mall. It was so nice and comfortable...I don't know why. After breakfast, I was sitting by the window side on my bed, listening to music. To be honest, my health condition was deteriorating. Not my fault. I am restricted to the bed for like the next fourteen days. The doctor said that medicines won't work anymore and that I'll have to go through more chemotherapies. And I don't really care. Should I?

Anyways, today, something really good happened. One of dad's business partner's (and also a close friend) son, Kim Hongjoong, came to visit me. He was planning to call me at his place for a sleepover, but due to my sick ass bed-ridden self, I couldn't go. So, instead, he came. I can literally swear on this little fact that, Hongjoong is no doubt one of those people who genuinely cares for me. He brought me loads of chocolate and an adorable pink kitten plushie. We chatted for long hours. I felt bad for lying in my bed and continuously blamed my stupid sickness over and over again, since we couldn't go out and play outside or hangout like we always used to do. But, Joongie hyung didn't mind. Instead, he did whatever he could to keep me happy. What a beautiful friend!

I thought it would be only Joongie hyung...but soon...there came another guy to keep us company. Park Seonghwa hyung!

Did I ever tell you? No? Oh damn! Hongjoong has a really gorgeous boyfriend...Park Seonghwa. I knew Seonghwa hyung a little, since he was a close friend of San. Seonghwa hyung is a beautiful person, not only in visuals, but also in heart, as a human being. He is sweet, lovely and warm. He brought me some of my favorite foods and chocolates too. They really made my day. We three had a great time till the evenings. We watched movies, played games, chatted, laughed and what not. After dinner, they finally bade farewell.


They never brought up the topic of my breakup with San, even though they knew it so well. They were pretty close to San and I'm sure they knew the story of me breaking his heart. But...they never ever told me anything about it...neither did they ever dare to bring up that topic. Strange!

Perhaps they feel pity for me...?

I was scrolling through my Instagram before going to bed, when suddenly I saw San's post..with his girlfriend. He took her to my favorite restaurant, where he used to take me...always. We even had our first kiss there. How...strange! Tears streamed down my eyes. I tried to hold back myself...but I couldn't. I just sat on my bed, in that dark room, clutching my t-shirt, shivering and crying my eyes out. I felt stiff and suffocated. I put the phone away and slumped back on my bed, burying my head into the pillow and still weeping. Nevertheless, I had to sleep early. I had an appointment with the doctor tomorrow.

Guess I'm not going school for the next two weeks. Good for me though. I won't have to see San choosing his girlfriend for the next Prom show. And who else would he choose anyways?

I wonder how San will look in his Prom outfit. Definitely a prince! Oh God! ̶M̶y ̶m̶a̶n ̶i̶s ̶s̶o ̶h̶a̶n̶d̶s̶o̶m̶e...

I think I'm not in my right mind...I just keep writing shit....

I better go rest...perhaps it'll help clean my mind...?

~Jung Wooyoung



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