rory (brother) // imagine

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WARNING THIS ISN'T INCEST JUST A NICE SIBLING STORY (reminder - try be nice to your siblings once in a while, the banter won't last forever guys, even if they are annoying x)

requested by notcharli

In. Out. In. Out. That's what I repeated as I tried to calm myself down. I was just trying to get to my locker when a random guy began speaking to me and not nicely. He was trying to flirt but was failing horribly.

1, he made jokes about my brother being a geek.

2, said I deserve better friends and family.

And 3, was just a total douche.

Misogynist? I think so. His eyes wouldn't stop glaring between my shoulders, lips and eyes. I just wanted to get out of the situation but I froze, quite literally. I should've taken that training from Erica when I had the chance.





My head quickly perked up to the noise the guy had made. It was Rory. He'd grabbed the guy and pinned him against the locker roughly, slightly showing fangs as his eyes turned yellow.

"Don't touch my sister ever again. Leave her alone. Got it?" he threatened

"Yes, sorry Rory!" the guy mumbled, wriggling out of Rory's clutch before running off to lesson.

"Since when were you the bad guy in town?" I sniffled softly as he hugged me protectively.

"Yo that was sick!" Benny exclaimed from behind me, "That guy is a douchebag"

I held Rory tighter as he mumbled questions, "Are you okay?", was the main one but like always I reassured my brother, over and over.

"I'm fine"

And I was. With him as a brother and the rest of the group as my friends, that's what I was. Perfectly fine. 

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