rory // imagine

603 9 5

requested by notcharli

Rory was their best and sorta only friend. Y/N was aware of who was and wasn't vampires and were close with the group but for some reason, them and Rory have always been attached at the hip. Maybe it had to do with them being introverted but Y/N just always felt more comfortable with Rory, especially when it came to love languages.

Most days the gang were at Ethan's house. Whether it was watching a film or planning to find a new 'evil', Rory and Y/N were always next to one another. They constantly held onto Rory's arm, head on his shoulder or even as small as their pinkies interlocking with his. The two were inseparable.


Y/N was walking down the hallway in their free period, heading to their locker, headphones in. Once they'd made it to the locker, Rory immediately appeared out of nowhere.


"Jesus Rory!" they exclaimed, taking out their headphones and chuckling, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry beautiful"

Rory had caught on long ago that Y/N became easily flustered, especially when complemented. Everyday this boy would call her 50 new nicknames every minute, from cutie to hot gorgeous machine 3000 or some bullshit. He had also caught on with their love language, and his own. Physical touch. And he loved it. They'd always cling onto Rory as if he would run away otherwise and yet he didn't care, he would just hold on tighter and keep them next to him, for as long as he could.


The two sat in the common room during the free period, nobody was there to interrupt them or their conversation...until the bell went off. And once again, no matter the circumstance, they were always touching. As the rest of the group sat around them, Rory felt Y/N's hand creep into his, interlocking their fingers, his thumb brushing the back of their hand.

He leaned in slightly and whispered into her ear, "You're really cute when you get flustered, ya know?"

Y/N looked up into his eyes and smiled softly before leaning their head onto his shoulder. This wasn't the first time it had happened and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Rory adored Y/N but the only thing he hadn't caught on about was the fact they adored him too, and definitely liked him more than a friend. A lot more.


A/N first imagine, sorry if it's bad!!! leave more requests guys, thanks for the support <3

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