benny // soft abc

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A - ffection (how do they show affection)

Benny isn't 'clingy' but he will always have an arm around you shoulder or hold your hand or thigh when sitting together.

B - alance (how do they balance you, work/school/life)

You are aware of the supernatural and are apart of the 'group' so you guys are always hanging out and even outside of school and the supernatural you guys will try to go on dates as much as possible, even just move night at Ethan's.

C - uddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)

He loves laying on your chest and having you play with his hair for sure but when you're feeling down you'll just lay on his shoulder and cuddle under a blanket until you both fall asleep.

D - ate (what was your first date?)

I feel like it'd be as simple as just going to either one's house and watching films (also ordering pizza of course). You'd both sit there and end up asleep with his Grandma taking pictures to use against the two of you later.

E - xcited (how excited do they get when seeing you/with you?)

The second he sees you, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulder and start rambling about something new he's learnt. Benny would just constantly follow you around like a lost puppy.

F - ighting (when in a fight)

You two would probably get into a fight over the stupidest stuff but when he shows up at your door with flowers and that stupid smile, it's over,

G - orgeous (pet names - what they call you/you call them)

The man would be way too extreme like simple isn't a word in his vocab, he'd be calling you hot stuff, lover girl up until my perfect gorgeous sweetheart whom I love so much. THIS BOY HAS NO FILTERR.

H - i (how you met)

Most likely through the Jesse situation or you met young/through Ethan. He immediately thought you were cute but come on it's Benny, he likes anyone who breathes.

I - ntimacy (how romantic they are)

Bro brought back Della's dead dog to get her attention so he will pretty much go to any lengths to make your knees weak (his magic plays a huge part in that e.g conjuring gifts, flowers)

J - ealousy (do they get jealous? how they react to you being jealous)

Not too jealous because he has a quite big ego but when it comes to people like David or some jock hitting on you, he will come over and kiss your cheek like nobody's there like - 

"Oh hey babe, who's this?" He gives 0 fucks when it comes to you.

When you're jealous on the other hand, he'll probably tease you about it and then remind you that you're the only one for him.

K - isses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)

Will a hundred percent just always kiss your cheek as a greeting and due to his height will probably just always kiss the top of your head/forehead (especially when hugging).

L - ove (when they first said i love you/realised it)

He realised it when the flirting 'jokes' he made started to become serious like his goal was to make you blush and he loved it when he managed to do so. It wouldn't take long into your relationship to say he loves you because he's known it for so long and doesn't want to keep it a secret for any longer.

M - oving in (living together and when)

Jokingly, he'd suggest it and talk about future life but when he saw how happy you seemed when he brought it up, his heart melted. Would make a pinky promise to live together (bro would conjure up a house and all)

N - ewborn (starting a family) 

Talked about but you guys are young so it wouldn't become a reality until later in the relationship.

O - pen (how honest you are with each other/how open)

As much as the both of you can joke about stuff together, sometimes you just need to sit and talk properly but neither of you want to initiate it. Yet, once started you guys could be having a deep convo until early hours of the morning.

P - hotos (what kind of photos you take with them/they take of you)

Benny would take tons of photos of you for his lockscreen, homescreen and all of the above. But if your a vampire he'd just draw photos of the two of you (he'd end up with a lockscreen of two stick figures holding hands)

Q - uirks (random habits they have)

Talking to himself. It's been in the show a few times so it'd definitely be his thing, especially mumbling stuff under his breath before doing something (he's his own hype man)

R - ecovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)

You'd do the 'kiss it better' thing but secretly slip him some sort of healing potion his Grandma made.

S - olution (how to resolve fights)

Like in F, he'd just conjure up a gift and apologize profusely until you eventually kiss him so he can shut up and come inside (it's cold outside let the poor boy in)

T - ouch (how affectionate are they?)

Benny constantly will want to be next to you, holding you or not he'll just want to be close enough to even brush shoulders. Knowing you're there is comfort enough but he'll most likely have an arm around you almost all the time.

U - p (waking up together)

His hair is always fluffy in the morning so the second you wake up, playing with his hair is a must. If he wakes up first he'd probably just go on his phone and play games until you wake up but if you wake up first, well that's impossible this man is an early bird and yet is not a morning person.

V - acation (where you guys go together)

You'd always go to each others house or on a walk to some local park and sit on swings together whilst laughing over some kid who fell over.

W - edding (dedication to each other)

You guys are all in, you are both as dedicated as one another and that won't change (except Benny's flirting but he does it as jokes to get a reaction out of you)

X - Factor (x-factor / what about you captivated them?)

You give off the same energy he gives to you, you guys have the same humour and that made him fall almost in seconds.

Y - awning (how they act when tired)

Benny is the worst when tired he will act like a stroppy child until he can finally sit down and relax.

Z - zzz (how you fall asleep together)

(refer to C)

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