sarah // soft abc

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A - ffection (how do they show affection)

- she loves to hold someone's hand or leaning her hand on their shoulder (both at once is almost guaranteed)

B - alance (how do they balance you, work/school/life)

- study dates in a coffee shop, perfect balance between school and life, she defo loves a latte with cool designs

C - uddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)

- head on shoulder with legs over each other's lap, just being close is her favourite thing whether that's friends or her s/o

D - ate (what was your first date?)

- coffee shop for sureeee, she loves deep conversations so she wants to get to know you before anything

E - xcited (how excited do they get when seeing you/with you?)

- does the twirling hair, jump up and down (not actually but in her head), she's the type to kick her feet when seeing a text from her fav person

F - ighting (when in a fight)

- she'll beg for forgiveness because she has those puppy dog eyes nobody can resist and with the fast blinking, it's over

G - orgeous (pet names - what they call you/you call them)

- she will call you cute names like pretty girl/boy, gorgeous, handsome and you return the exact same energy, overall y'all are like a couple of cuties in love

H - i (how you met)

- probably through Erica, a meet-cute sorta thing like

"hey can this person sit with us sarah, they're really nice" and when you show up, her heart literally melts at the sight

I - ntimacy (how romantic they are)

- she tries to be romantic but doesn't know how so it'll end up with gift giving and hugs from behind whilst you're not paying attention, but she will be romantic is the sense of compliments

J - ealousy (do they get jealous? how they react to you being jealous)

- secret jealously, she never shows it but drops hints (mostly dirty looks or standing closer to you when the person is near) and if you get jealous of her, she will feel so loved and remind you how much she only loves you by peppering you with kisses

K - isses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)

- mainly the cheek, she reaches up on her tiptoes and does it all the time or kissing the back of your hand whilst holding it

L - ove (when they first said i love you/realised it)

- she said it quite quick but she doesn't want to waste time, if she loves you she has to let you know

M - oving in (living together and when)

- if you were vampires you'd live together forever (literally) but if your'e a human then you guys would talk about it, eventually move into some minimalist apartment and she'd love you until the end

N - ewborn (starting a family)

- i honestly have no clue how vampire babies work (except twilight) so maybe picture that? either that or you two would adopt and be the best parents everrr   OMG I CAN IMAGINE SARAH BEING A FOSTER PARENTTT

O - pen (how honest you are with each other/how open)

- i feel like Sarah would be more closed due to Jesse's treatment but she would open up to you, it'd just take a while for her to trust you because of her past 

P - hotos (what kind of photos you take with them/they take of you)

- vampires don't show up on camera but i reckon she is artistic so she'd probably draw the two of you, even as little stick figures

Q - uirks (random habits they have)

- twirling her hair when nervous or especially blushing over something her s/o said 

R - ecovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)

- she heals pretty quick but if either of you were injured (especially if you were human), it'd be 'kisses better' and princess plasters over the injury cause they're cute

S - olution (how to resolve fights)

- hug her and whisper i'm sorry, she will fall to her knees and forgive you immediately, the two of you will talk it out after a long hug 

T - ouch (how affectionate are they?)

- VERYYY but scared of seeming clingy so she'd back off for a while but once you tell her it's fine, she'd be back holding your hand walking to math

U - p (waking up together)

- i love the idea of you brushing each other's hair in the morning before crawling back under the covers for a short nap and cuddles

V - acation (where you guys go together)

- she love love lovessss the beach so some coastside place would be her dream, especially with her s/o, sitting on the sand and stargazing = perfection

W - edding (dedication to each other)

- you two are down bad for one another, heart eyes become real when the two of you are near each other

X - Factor (x-factor / what about you captivated them?)

- your eyes, the second she looked at your eyes, it was over for her, the colour and the little spark everytime you laughed, she was head over heels

Y - awning (how they act when tired)

- she doesn't act tired, one second she's wide awake, the next, dead asleep

Z - zzz (how you fall asleep together)

- one of your guys' head on the other's chest and legs intertwined as you cuddle 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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