benny // imagine

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this is so fluff omg sweet love (im so lonely /hj) - not a request but inspired by a tumblr imagine i saw ages ago

I had to study for this midterm. Sure, I felt bad for blowing my friends off but it was necessary. Just what I felt guilty the most of was ignoring my boyfriend, Benny. He was the definition of needy so when ignored, he gets annoying.

"Babe" I hear him whisper to me. 

"Not now, I'm studying" I barely even lifted my head from the textbook as I took notes. By now, my hand was aching and the side of it was covered in ink, god damn smudgy pens....

Wait where is my pen?

I checked under all the papers spread in front of me, just to realise certain magic boy in front of me was making it levitate, along with my notebook, my highlighters. I'm surprised he didn't take the whole table up with it. 

I sighed at his actions as his placed everything back down.

"What is it Benny?" 


And that's all he wanted, was a simple conversation. He's an idiot, an idiot I love.

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