ethan morgan // imagine

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It sounds pathetic, I know. Having a crush on Ethan Morgan, the dorkiest guy around, but he was perfect. I met Ethan in middle school through Benny and soon enough we became really close friends but then, high school arrived.

The two became obsessed with girls, Benny even more so, the supernatural became a huge part of our life and there was just no time for peace. And I missed it. Ethan was my best friend and I missed him.

So I did the stupid thing and asked him to meet me at our old spot, the pier.

"I'm really glad you chose this spot to hang out" he spoke softly to me, looking out across the water.

"Mhm" I hummed, "Feels like old times". I spoke under my breath in a mumble and a sigh, "Just this time I have feelings".

Ethan looked at me when he heard me sigh, "What was that last part, about feelings?"

"Huh?" My breath immediately hitched in my throat, heat on my cheeks, "I was just, um, talking to myself" 


Ethan raised an eyebrow. He knew something was wrong. "Well what did you say to yourself?" He was trying to get me to admit it.

"Just that my feelings about this place are strong. It makes me happy" I lied.

He looked at me. I knew he knew. "Y/N, what is it?"

I sighed softly, fidgeting with my fingers awkwardly. "Fuck, ok, look." I couldn't believe I was doing this. "E, I miss you a lot. Everytime I see you with other people or hanging out with Sarah, I feel left out and jealous and-" I paused nervously, looking at him now. "Ethan I like you. I have since we were kids but if you don't like me back we can just.. pretend this didn't happen"

"I like you too" he spoke gently

"You do?"

"Of course I do! I've been in love with you since we met! I just... I never thought someone like you could like me back." He looked down at his feet. "You probably think I'm an idiot"

"You're not an idiot Eth" I took his face in my hands, "I really like you"

"How can I believe that?" He moved away slightly

All I did was look at him, wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in. The kiss was soft and everything I'd imagined. His hands moved down to my lower back and pulled me closer, kissing me back. 

"Does that answer your question?" I whispered against his lips.

He smiles down at me, "I think it does".

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