003 | 𝘼 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝘼𝙩 51

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It was soon  Wednesday and that meant Juliette was heading to firehouse 51 for the day

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It was soon Wednesday and that meant Juliette was heading to firehouse 51 for the day. She was nervous to go but she knew she needed to or she never would step foot in that place again and she didn't want that, they were like a third family her and she would have to go sooner or later. Juliette had been out the previous night and as she rolled over that morning and bite down on her lower lip to stop herself from groaning as she came face to face with a redhead.

"Shit" Juliette thought to herself she barely remembered that night. Juliette rolled back over and grabbed her oversized t-shirt and threw it on. As she was climbing out of bed the redhead in bed beside her woke up. Juliette had to have the person leave, she had to get dressed and head to the gym, she had a session with Mike before she was heading to 51.

"Morning beautiful" the redhead said grinning.

"You need to leave. Like now! I've got to go out" Juliette said not saying anything else, she didn't plan on bringing a woman home last night but she did and now she felt extremely terrible about it. She felt dirty.

"Did I do something wrong. From my recognition you were loving everything I did last night" the redhead said smiling or more like smirking.

"No, you did nothing wrong but you need to leave" Juliette said again

"I want you gone by the time I am out the shower" Juliette then said. She cringed to herself as she grabbed her Lilac towel from the dresser and practically ran down the hallway to her bathroom where she locked herself in. She didn't need to shower now but she was going to wash her hair before the gym and then have a proper shower at the gym after her workout and training session.

Leaning against the bathroom door Juliette let out a small sob, she felt so bad for having yet another one night stand that she felt like she was letting everyone down. Juliette heard footsteps leaving which soon headed down the stairs. She then turned the shower in and washed her hair quickly, as she washed her black hair Juliette just let the tears fall.

"Am I letting Shay down?" Juliette mumbled to herself as she washed the shampoo out of her hair. She felt like she was letting her down maybe she wasn't but that couldn't help the way she was feeling.

"Stop this Juliette Elodie! Snap out of it!!" Juliette groaned finally turning the shower off to dry her hair, she squeezed the excess water from her hair before wrapping her towel around her hair. Unlocking the bathroom door Juliette poked her head out of the room, she prayed that the redhead she slept with that night had left. She didn't even remember the woman's name but that wasn't important, she didn't need to know her name.

As Juliette got to her room her phone pinged. She had a text from Trudy, she didn't expect a message this early from the desk Sargent but she appreciated it.

Trudy: Good luck today, remember to take it slow, I know it'll be hard to go in to the firehouse but you've got this
Juliette: thank you Trudy. I've got a early gym session to phyce myself up but like you said... I've got this
Trudy: That's the attitude Juliette. I'm only a call away if you need to talk
Juliette: I know you are and thank you. It means a lot to me

Truly, Madly, Deeply | Sylvie BrettWhere stories live. Discover now