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Juliette was rushed into the emergency department at Gaffney Chicago medical centre, Erin was close behind and Otis was heading the way with Cruz and Hope

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Juliette was rushed into the emergency department at Gaffney Chicago medical centre, Erin was close behind and Otis was heading the way with Cruz and Hope. Hope wasn't on shift but Juliette was her boyfriends sister and one of her good friends so she had to come and wait for news.

"Are the okay? What happened?" Jay asked Erin running over and saw she had blood on her, she wasn't injured, it was Juliette's blood. Jay had just got to the hospital after booking the man who was involved with the shootings.

"I'm fine, it's not my blood; it's Juliette's. She told him to shoot her if he wanted to shoot Jonathan but i pulled her out of the way but then he pulled the trigger and she jumped in-front of Jonathan. Juliette wants me to tell Otis and Ivy she loves them but she isn't going to die. She can't die" Erin said as she looked down at her hands and tried not to cry.

"She isn't going to die. Juliette is a fighter and we all know that." Jay said.

"Let's get you back home so you can change and then we can come straight back" Jay said softly to Erin wrapping his arms around her and gently planting a small kiss on her forehead.

"We will keep you updated, go and change" Hope said not meaning to listen to Jay and Erin talk but she overheard and saw how Erin looked covered in Juliette's blood, she knew she had to change.

"Are you sure?" Erin asked just wanting to make sure if she would.

"I am sure. I'm not leaving and Otis isn't going to leave. Nobody is going to leave until we know Juliette is okay" Hope said as she held Otis's hand. Otis shot Hope a small smile as he tried not to cry at the thought of loosing his sister.  Erin and Jay headed out leaving Hope, Cruz and Otis sat in the waiting room for news on how Juliette was doing.

It must have been a good ten minutes of silence  between the trio until Ivy, Kelly, Matt, Sylvie, Gabby and Mira rush in followed by Trudy, Mouch, Adam and Kim. Everyone was worried about Juliette but all of them apart from Sylvie didn't expect anything less seeing as Juliette was the type of person who would take a bullet for the ones she loves, to protect people and to stop mothers from loosing their children like she did in this situation. Connor Rhodes enters the waiting room after getting Juliette into a stable condition, she still needed surgery but Connor needed Otis to sign consent forms seeing as he was her next of kin.

"How's July' is she okay, can I see her?" Otis asked as he worried about his sister.

"She's stable but I need to take her into surgery, the bullet is lodged in her chest and if we don't remove it, it could shift to her heart or lungs" Connor explained to Otis who nodded

"Yea. Do whatever you need to do. Just save my sister" Otis said. Connor nodded and gave Otis the paperwork to sign which he did almost immediately. Otis took himself outside not wanting anyone to see him cry as he worried about Juliette.

"She's always got to be the hero" Otis thought to himself as a few tears escaped his eyes even though he was trying his hardest not to cry. Joe Cruz had noticed Otis leave the waiting room and followed his best friend.

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