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Juliette had stayed up all night trying to figure out who shot the twins, who had both tragically lost their life

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Juliette had stayed up all night trying to figure out who shot the twins, who had both tragically lost their life. She cancelled her plans with Otis but he understood why, he knew that, especially when it came to kids that Juliette wouldn't give up until the shooter, the kidnapper or whatever was behind bars, she wouldn't settle until she knew that the children of Chicago are safer. Obviously she wanted to make Chicago a safer place for everyone but when it's the case that was currently being worked on Juliette was more focused on the children.

"Found anything?" Jay asked Juliette who was taking a five minute break from watching the monitor and all the cameras around to try and find the car which they only had half of the license plate number.

"Nothing yet, I needed five minutes, I didn't want to miss something so I've decided to take 5 and reset" Juliette said as her stomach rumbled. She hadn't even realised she was hungry but she wasn't surprised, it was the early hours of the next morning. Jay had gone home but knew that Juliette was not going to go home so after a quick nap, shower and a change of clothes he headed straight back to check on her.

"You need to eat something. When was the last time you ate?" Jay asked, he had worked oh that Juliette hadn't eaten, she was out at lunch, like everyone in the unit was, she was with Erin talking to the twins mother, their father and the neighbours. Then they were at the hospital at lunch, checking for updates on the twins, that was when they first heard the news that Jason had died. It was 7:35pm when the news that Jessica had died.

"Jay! I can't eat until the son of a bitch is behind bars. Mrs. Hayden lost two of her three children in the space of 48 hours. I promised her I would find the person who shot her twins." Juliette exclaimed folding her arms in annoyance.

"No Juliette. Your eating and your having a coffee too. Your brother won't be happy if I let you starve yourself while you try and solve this case" Jay warned Juliette who frowned, she wasn't happy that he was practically forcing her to eat.

"Fine I'll go over the street, I'll get a sandwich, they open at 5 and it's ten past 5 now" Juliette signed, she knew she wouldn't win in a argument with Jay, although they were both stubborn.

"Good. And then your going to take five in the break room, none of us need you to collapse on us today" Jay said to Juliette who frowned

"Fine. If it'll keep you off my back" Juliette said knowing he wouldn't give in. Juliette headed down the stairs and opened the gate. She took herself across the street and brought herself a ham salad sandwich and a coffee before heading back. Once back in the bullpen she went into the break room so Jay didn't go on at her for not taking a break.

Juliette was back in the tech room watching the monitor looking for the car. It was now about 8:30am and she had been back in the same spot since 6am. She kept finding the car and then it disappearing. While watching the monitors Juliette had decided that she should phone Otis.

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