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Juliette and Sylvie entered the hospital canteen, Juliette was having a little trouble breathing so the doctors wanted to keep her in a little longer and Sylvie told Otis, Ivy, Hope and Mira that she'd keep Juliette company seeing as Juliette was ...

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Juliette and Sylvie entered the hospital canteen, Juliette was having a little trouble breathing so the doctors wanted to keep her in a little longer and Sylvie told Otis, Ivy, Hope and Mira that she'd keep Juliette company seeing as Juliette was adamant that they all go and do something else rather than sit with her like they had been doing.

"You know you didn't have to buy me lunch, I would have brought my own" Juliette said as Sylvie parks the wheelchair that Juliette was sat in.

"I know but your the paitent, your the one who was shot saving a mother from loosing another child. Your a hero and you deserve lunch brought for you" Sylvie said making sure the breaks were on the wheelchair so Juliette didn't go rolling away.

"I wish people would stop calling me a hero, I just couldn't see Mrs. Hayden loose her last living child. Not after she lost her twins only hours apart, not when her ex husband is blaming her for the shooting. She didn't deserve any of that." Juliette defended he decision making.

"I know but that still makes you a hero. I'm sure Mrs. Hayden thinks that" Sylvie said which caused Juliette to let out a small sigh.

"I would do anything to protect people. The ones I love and care about, for families. Everyone really, I guess I even do it to people I don't like too, I know it's not something I should do when it's putting myself in danger but saving people, protecting people just means more to me than my own wellbeing. Does that make sense?" Juliette asked before taking a sip of her cola.

"Of course it makes sense but you need to make sure you keep yourself safe too. No more jumping in front of people who are being shot. I don't think my heart would take it" Sylvie joked with Juliette although deep down Sylvie knew she wasn't joking, she didn't care if it had only been a short time that she had know Juliette but she was scared, scared she'd have lost Juliette before actually getting to know her. Before she had a chance to call Juliette a friend.

"I can't make any promises that I won't get shot again but I'll promise that I won't jump in front of people to stop them from getting shot" Juliette said, she knew that it was possible that she'd get shot when on shift or she could get into a car accident or hurt in some other way.

"That'll do, no more heroics" Sylvie joked. The two women laughed as they continued talking about anything and everything. Juliette was enjoying spending time with her as she learnt new things about Sylvie, she learnt that Sylvie was adopted and she never knew her biological mother, she learnt that Sylvie loved country music. Sylvie learnt that Juliette often speaks Russian when she's angry.

"Thank you for this Sylvie. It was much needed to get out of that hospital room" Juliette said once they had finished eating.

"Any time. I could tell you were getting frustrated with everyone else not listening when you tell them to go" Sylvie said with a smile. Juliette couldn't thank her enough but also she felt lost, Leslie often sat with her when she was in hospital and her friends and brother wouldn't leave.

Truly, Madly, Deeply | Sylvie BrettWhere stories live. Discover now