Chapter 2: Him

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There he was

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There he was. Bang Chan. Christopher. Chan...? I don't even know what to call him in my head, too many names!

"Ah, Y/n. It's alright." He smiled at me charmingly, his dimples showing. I stared at him for a few seconds, or maybe more because he tapped me on the shoulder, snapping me out of my daze. "Y/n? Are you alright?"

I kept my mouth shut and just nodded my head quickly. I must've had a weird and obvious look on my face because he looked amused. "I'm alright. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Do you care for a drink?" He offered, raising an eyebrow at me with an expectant look. I shrugged and nodded. I wouldn't think it'd hurt to have another drink.

He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me back towards the bar. I felt his gaze wash over me, I just knew he was looking at me the entire time we were walking together. I tried to ignore it as much as I could. What was the deal with this guy staring at me all the time?

I'm sure Lily could find me at the bar when she came back, but I was a little worried about being so far from her in a club like this. Or maybe I was worried about trusting this guy? He may seem charming, but there's something hidden. A secret perhaps.

We made our way to the bar and took our seats next to each other. "Felix, get this kind lady a..." He turned his head to look at me, waiting for my answer. "A mojito." I answered and he nodded, turning back to the bartender... Felix. Felix. Felix.

"Get this kind lady a mojito, please." Chan told Felix with a firm tone in his voice. Felix nodded and went on to make a mojito for me.

"Aren't you going to drink anything?" I asked him, but watching Felix make my drink instead of looking at him. "No, I'm not much of a drinker really." He chuckled and leaned forward on the counter. "That's understandable. I'm not much of a drinker either." I said quietly. Felix handed me my mojito and I took a sip.

"Really? Why're you drinking so much tonight then?" He gave me a curious look, cocking one of his eyebrows upwards.

"Oh, you know. It's Lily's birthday and all... so we're just having fun." I said before coming to a halt. I realized something.

How did he know I was drinking before he got me a drink? Did he see me take those shots of vodka with Lily? I turned my head to look at him, taking a long sip of my mojito before speaking again. "How did you know I was drinking so much?"

He opened his mouth to say something but then paused. He sighed softly and began to speak again. "Felix, the bartender, is my friend. He told me you and Lily were taking a quite few shots of vodka. I recognized you while you were dancing and came up to you, and that's when you bumped into me."

"Oh, that explains a lot." I guess that did make sense. But why would his friend talk about how Lily and I were downing shots? I mean, we did have a lot, but was it necessary to tell Chan about it?

Chan shrugged and took my glass of mojito from me, finishing the last bit of it. I was caught off guard at how he just stole my drink like that. "See ya later, Y/n." He said, giving me a wave and walking away into the crowd. I sat there dumbfounded.

Did he not care that he just shared saliva with me? Why couldn't he just get his own mojito? Was he flirting? Is this what flirting is like? I have no fucking idea.

- ,,

Lily met back up with me and after a little more dancing, we finally left the club. She was drunk, but I still wasn't drunk yet which was unusual. I took her home and went back to my apartment.

After changing my clothes, removing my makeup, and taking a warm bath, I settled into bed. I wore a sweater since it was pretty cold even though it's summer. Such weird weather these days. One day it's cold, the other day it's hot.

I lay in bed, thinking about all that happened today. I'm pretty happy about how today went. Lily had a great birthday that she got to spend with her family and I, and we got to hang out a ton tonight. We also looked pretty hot if you ask me. I'm not used to dressing like that, but it sure did make me feel better and more confident with how I look.

After so many months of not being able to go to a club at night to down a shit ton of drinks, I finally got to have the fun I wanted. It was great, and I feel more relaxed.

Chan eventually crossed my mind of course. I'm not sure why. I obviously don't like him, but the way he looks at me makes me feel weird. Weird in a good way? But also a bit uncomfortable; it always seems like he has an underlying intention with me or something. I'm not saying he's creepy, but it's just such a weird feeling.

He sure has his looks though. He's kind of like those mafia bosses you'd read about in those books. He acts the same way, he sounds the same way, he even looks the same way! Not exactly the same, but pretty similar. It'd be ironic if he really was one. That's a silly thought though.

I sighed and turned my nightstand lamp off. I laid on my right side and pulled the covers over me, snuggling into the warm feeling. I had work tomorrow, and then a boxing gig at night. I might as well get as much rest as I need before the new day really starts. 12:05am. Time to sleep.


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