Chapter 3: Boxer

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What is he doing here?

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What is he doing here?

It was 10:30am. I was finally at work, a café that I've been working at for around 4 years already. I rarely saw my boss, and the pay was slowly lowering throughout the years. That's why I do those underground boxing gigs. Extra fun, extra cash.

I was pretty well known in the underground parts, my nickname was made to be Serpent by other people. Know why? I'll tell ya. I'm like a snake when fighting. My opponent may be smart, but they will never be smart enough to know my next move. I catch them off guard and sneak up on them like a snake. That's how I got a snake tattoo on my hip. Why am I talking like I'm speaking to someone?
(Serpent is a little cringey but bare with me. :'])

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"Y/n! You're up in 7." One of my mates walked over to me. His name was Cory. He's a handsome fellow, younger than me by 2 years.

"Hey, Cory." I smiled at him softly and he smiled back warmly, sitting down next to me on the bench. He took a sip from his water bottle before offering me some. I shook my head, declining his offer. "I hear ya going against a more ruthless guy, ey?" I looked confused, not sure what he was talking about. "There's a Mafia leader or somethin' coming to join us. He'll be going up against you. I've heard he's from that main gang... What's it called? Ah right, Stray Kids. SKZ for short?"

He looked so nonchalant talking about it. I'm going against a fucking gang leader? "What!? I've never went against a gang member. This is unfair." Cory just chuckled and patted me on the back a bit roughly.

"Relax, you've been fighting here for a few years already. You can handle him, hopefully..." He teased, ruffling my hair. "Anyway, I'll leave ya. See you."

And with that, he left me alone and walked out of the locker room.

Chanting was heard throughout the area. "Serpent! Serpent! Serpent! Serpent!" It hyped me up a lot whenever they chanted for me. I think it's better being an underground boxer rather than a professional boxer, ya know? I walked into the area, seeing large crowds on the bleachers filled with...druggies.

Then I heard a different chant. "Bang Chan! Bang Chan! Bang Chan! Bang Chan!" Bang Chan? That can't be...

I entered the ring, tightening my boxing gloves on my hands. And that's when I looked forward and saw that same sly man walking towards the ring in across from me. His eyes met mine, but he didn't look surprised at all. But I sure was. I was fucking speechless.

He hopped into the ring, getting into position in front of me. The chants for him were louder than mine, and that's when I knew.

This guy was not playing games.

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"Hey, doll." Doll? Did he just call me doll? He's playing with me.

"I didn't know you were such a strong leader." I was referring to how he was apparently the leader of Stray Kids. Chan chuckled and tightened the velcro of his boxing gloves around his wrists. "I'm not supposed to be running around and letting everyone know I'm a gang member, am I?"

"I suppose not." I cocked an eyebrow upwards at him. "Why're you here anyway?"

He gave me a smug look, the side of his mouth curving up into a smirk. "Oh me? It was just apart of my plan. But don't worry about that, worry about what I'm going to do to you right now."

He seemed so cocky. I didn't expect this at all, but then I realized why I always had such a weird feeling around him. His underlying intentions had something to do with me, and I didn't like this situation at all. What am I supposed to do? Fuck this. I can't be distracted by all of this thinking.

Get your head in the game, Y/n.

And that's when the starting bell rang.


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