A Stray Kids AU Fanfiction.
﹒⪩⪨﹒Themes !!
• Zombie Apocalypse
° Mafia Groups and Rivalries
• Romance, Thriller, Horror
° Stray Kids FanFiction AU!!
Y/n, an underground boxer comes across one of the most dangerous and well known group of South Kor...
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October 29th, 7:00pm
Over the past few weeks, as the apocalypse grew, more of Seoul is either abandoned, infected, or isolated. Not a single human can be seen strolling around on the streets unless infected. The military unit in the city are on the verge of abandoning Seoul due to distress, and I can't blame them.
We're also stressed as a mafia group. I don't know how to even keep my members safe from this virus completely. We've never been prepared for this, yet I did lie to Y/N saying we've been trained for this type of situation. We weren't. We never thought this would happen. This all seems like some type of nightmare. A nightmare that just seems to be too long; a nightmare I can't wake up from.
The boys and I tread through the dark woods quietly, making sure to make as little noise as possible. We had finally made it back to the TMT headquarters. I plan to squeeze out as much information out of the leader as possible, even if it becomes a big risk for us.
I worry for Y/N so if anything does happen, I'll send her away to Australia. Hopefully she'll be safe there if it ends up being this way.
I place my forefinger and thumb into my mouth and let out a whistle once I find a small shack outside the TMT headquarters, indicating for my members to follow me. It might lead inside. I pick up the pace carefully and stand next to the door, holding up my commando(a type of gun) and loading it.
I take a deep breath before nodding at Jeongin to open the door. He walks towards the other side of the shack and slowly curves his arm around to turn the knob. "Unlocked," he whispers.
"Open it."
Jeongin nods in responds and opens the door in a swift motion. I turn on my right foot and stop in front of the entrance, my gun pointing forward. I scope through the darkness, turning on my flashlight and holding it next to my gun to allow light into the darkness.
"Follow me." I see the coast is clear and head inside. The others follow me in and we open the second door with the same procedure. We have to be extra careful. We're on enemy territory and can't risk any issues. My baby is home alone with only her best friend and a few guards looking after them. I can't end up being held hostage here again.
We're lead to a staircase that led upstairs. The halls are dark, so we continue to use our flashlights. I go first, as always, making my way up the stairs with caution.
We come to a familiar door. The door I came out through when Y/N rescued me along with the others. This would lead to the hall where the room I was in is. I turn to the guys, whispering in a soft yet assertive tone.
"Down the hall to the right from that room is the staircase that would lead up to the leader's office. If we can make it there, we'll find the leader and capture him. I need a few of you to stay here and take watch of the surrounding area to make sure no enemies are going to interfere with our mission. I.N, Han, and Minho, stay here. I'll take the rest of the guys with me." I then point to three out of six of our bodyguards that we brought with us. "You all stay with the three."
I gesture for the rest to follow me and we head down the hall carefully. It was still dark. I'm surprised they don't keep any security down here at this time. It's not even completely night time yet. Or is this a trap?
"Even if it is a trap, we're well prepared."
"Huh?" Changbin looks confused. I realize I spoke out loud.
"Nothing. Let's keep moving. Up the stairs."
Seungmin opens the door to the upstairs and we make our way up. Still no lights on. Odd.
Once we reach the top, we exit through the door found at the end and walk down the hallway. There's the door to the leader's office, a big silver plate with the name 'Viper' written across it.
We all take a few deep breaths together before we nod to each other, confirming we're ready to head inside. One of the bodyguards open the door. We look inside and see Viper sitting in his chair, asleep. What a sight. I guess everyone falls asleep at evening here considering how dark it is in the building.
We all approach him in silence before checking if he's truly asleep. He is. One of the bodyguards and Changbin lift up Viper. Hyunjin cuffs Viper's hands and ties his legs together tightly. Seungmin tapes Viper's mouth.
We all simultaneously let out a relieved sigh before moving him out of the office.
- ,,
Viper's still asleep. We haven't been able to get him to wake up. He's alive, his heart rate is fine and he's breathing. We're not sure what's up with him. Seungmin infers that Viper might be under some sort of influence, maybe drugs.
At that case, I leave Viper in the room where we beat people to a pulp while interrogating. The room will be guarded by ten guards, rotating at different times so they'd at least get some sleep.
I head upstairs to my room and see Y/N laying on the bed, watching the news on the 65 inch wide screen television on the wall across from the front of the bed. I grab the remote and turn it off. This catches her attention and has her looking up at me.
"Channie!" Her eyes light up with happiness and she reaches her arms out for me. My princess is so adorable.
I can't help but smile and get on top of the bed, allowing myself to be wrapped in her arms and pulled against her warm, soft body. "How are you feeling?"
"I feel a bit better today. Did you get Viper?"
"Well yeah, it was easy. It's weird though. He's been asleep the entire time. The headquarters were oddly quiet and no lights were on either."
Y/N's eyebrows furrow. Clearly she's confused.
"Yeah, I'm confused too." I chuckle and stroke her hair gently with my callous covered fingers.
"I miss you." She buries her face into the crook of my neck.
My heart sinks at the sentence. I feel bad. I feel so so bad instantly. "I miss you too. I'm sorry I haven't been here lately, for you and our baby. I'm sorry I'm so busy. I'm doing this for the safety of everyone though."
She nods her head quietly. "I know. But can you at least take one day off and spend it with me? I know it's just staying at home the entire time but I'm sure it can't be that boring if we find something to do."
"Oh, doll. If I'm with you, nothing can be boring. I'd be content just sitting and doing nothing, as long as I'm right next to you and we're doing it together."
She smiles and leans forward to kiss my cheek. "You're sweeter than tanghulu."
"That's an odd compliment. But I'll take it."
I give her the corniest loveable grin ever. This earns me another kiss, but on the lips. I wrap my arms around Y/N's waist tightly and she leans into my action of deepening our kiss. It's been a while since we...
Y/N suddenly pulls back and looks behind me, her eyes wide with shock and...fear?
I look behind me, and that's when she screams. "COCKROACH!!!"
There's an enormous cockroach on the wall behind me, a few feet away from the bed. "Bloody fuck!"
I get off the bed and grab my slipper before going after the cockroach. The cockroach spreads it's wings suddenly flies at me. "Aaahhhh!!!"