Chapter 10: Flight

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August 1st, 7:56am

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August 1st, 7:56am

I rubbed my eyes as I stirred awake. My eyes opened slowly and I had realized I wasn't in my room.

Last thing I remember was everyone leaving and getting into the van. And then I fell asleep in the van. Did one of the guys carry me into a different room? Or their bedroom?

"You're awake, good morning." I sat up and saw Chan coming out of the bathroom.

"Why am I here?" I gasped, checking under the blanket to see if I was still wearing everything. I was, luckily.

"Calm down, I didn't take advantage of you. I'm not crazy." He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at me. I looked back up at him.

"Why am I here?"

He smiled and spoke again. "I was going to carry you to your room but I didn't have the key to your room. All the other guest rooms' keys are in a different room all the way in the east wing as well, so I just brang you to my room." I raised an eyebrow at him in suspicion.

"And no, I didn't sleep with you. I slept on the couch." He pointed to the couch in front of his TV near the balcony.

I let out a relieved sigh and pushed the blanket off of me. "Why didn't you just wake me up?" I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him an even more suspicious look.

He smiled even more cheekily this time. "You looked too cute while sleeping, I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep." I was flabbergasted. Did he just call me cute while sleeping? That's just weird. Absolutely weird. Ewww.

He shrugged and looked at the clock. 8:05am. "You should get ready. We have to get on the flight to Australia soon." He left the room, closing the door behind him.

I looked around and saw there were some clothes left for me. I huffed and got out of bed. I really didn't want to get on a damn jet. Grabbing the clothes he left for me, I had gone into the bathroom to change.

- ,,

After getting changed, I left the bedroom and saw Hyunjin and Jeongin talking with each other in the hall. They turned their heads and looked at me. Two smug smiles crept up on their faces and they started to giggle. "You stayed in his room last night?" Jeongin asked, grinning widely the entire time like a dufus.

"Yes, I did. And no, we didn't do anything." Hyunjin and Jeongin shared a look before starting to laugh. "We didn't do anything!" I groaned, walking past them quickly and running down the stairs.

"Sure you didn't!" Hyunjin yelled from upstairs. I saw Chan standing near the entrance, on his phone. I'm so going to punch Chan in the fa-

Lee Know walked towards him and started to discuss something. There goes my chance, damnit.

I walked towards the kitchen and got myself a glass of water. Seungmin was making something for us to eat before we left. "Y/n, good morning." Seungmin gave me a soft smile and I smiled back.

"Morning, Seungmin."

He handed me a plate with an egg sandwich on it. I loved egg sandwiches for breakfast. "I know you love egg sandwiches for breakfast." He mentioned. It was like he read my mind. "How though?"

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Your Instagram." He knew my Instagram? This gang must've been stalking me at this point.

I sat down in a chair at the counter and ate my sandwich silently. Chan came up behind me and rubbed my head. Why was this guy so touchy? Jeez. "You ready to go?" I shot him a glare and he backed away a bit. "I'll take that as a yes."

He chuckled and walked away towards the entrance to talk with one of the bodyguards Changbin had set up for us.

- ,,

We got on the jet and it was pretty spacious and fancy actually. There were two... floors? I don't fucking know what you call them in a jet. The bodyguard team went onto the bottom floor and we went onto the top floor.

I sat down next to the window. I liked looking out the window at least.

I was finally relaxing into my seat when Chan sat down next to me. Oh my god, does this guy not want to leave me alone for just a second?

Han and Lee Know were sitting across from us. It was a bit weird how they were always together. Lee Know seemed more soft with Han, they were probably best friends or something. It was weird seeing Lee Know smile once in a while...

One of the flight attendants made the usual announcement about safety and how the icons above our seats meaned certain things like when to unbuckle our seatbelt and whatnot. The flight was supposed to be pretty long even though we're going by jet. 14 hours. It was already 12pm here so that meant we'd arrive at night in Australia.

I huffed and took a sip of water from my water bottle. I hate long journeys.

- ,,

Chan was on his phone for most of the flight. He really only put it down when we got to eat or he had to go to the bathroom. What was so important on his phone? I bet he's a phone addict. I won't lie, I'd be on my phone too right now if I had it with me.

The flight attendant let me have some chocolate pudding even though it wasn't time for dessert since I didn't like anything else on the menu. I know I sound picky, and you know what? I am fucking picky! And this chocolate pudding really filled my appetite.

"Can I have some?" Han asked across from me. I nodded and fed him a spoonful. He let out a satisfied moan and I don't blame him at all. This chocolate pudding hit all the right places.

Chan poked my shoulder and I looked up at him. "Can I have some too~?"

I gave him a disgusted look and looked away. Who does this man think he is? Does he think he's cute? He's obviously not cute. Well, maybe he is. Just a little bit. Shut up Y/n, shut up.

Chan nudged me in my arm. "Come ooonn, you fed Han some. Why not feed the leader too?" He whined like a child. I let out a sigh and finally held my spoon up to his mouth and fed him.

"Mmm, thank you babygirl." I regret it all. Once that came out of his mouth, I regretted it. Kill me. Please, lord. Take my soul now. Spare me of this misery.

- ,,

The lights dimmed and everyone had already fallen asleep. I sighed and closed the window. I was pretty sleepy too but I had nothing to rest my head on. I looked over at Chan next to me who was sleeping peacefully while snoring softly. It wouldn't hurt to rest my head on his shoulder like last time, right? I'd probably wake up before he notices anyway.

I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt him take in a deep breath and he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me in closer. Was he pretending to sleep? I was too sleepy to retaliate. My eyes were too heavy to open again and I slowly drifted.


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