Chapter 6: Break In

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July 28th, 4:55pm

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July 28th, 4:55pm

It wasn't that fine of a day. Clouds partially covered the sky, the sun peering through a fluff of cloud every now and then.

Laying in bed, I had been thinking all day since waking up. Hadn't even gotten a bit of breakfast into my system from frustration even though I shouldn't be thinking so much about it. I'd never let many things get to me like this. Not even my parents' death.

It's been 4 days since my boxing match with Chan, 4 days since I've last seen him. I kept thinking about what he said. The plan, that I will find out soon... What the fuck did I get myself into? Why am I involved in any of this? I'm just a 22 year old woman trying to make a living.

"Ugh. Maybe I should've gone to college for 2 more years and pushed myself while I had the chance. But nooo, I just had to get a reckless injury and live like this, getting myself involved in this shit." I said to myself and groaned.

Haven't work today, I had the whole day free. I looked at the clock, seeing it was 5pm already. I hadn't gotten to any meals since I'd woken up. My tummy grumbled. "You know what? I'm hungry." I got out of bed, putting my glasses on, and walked on over to my kitchen. I opened the pantry.

I ran out of ramen. Damnit.

I looked in the fridge. No eggs. No vegetables. Barely any fruits...

Why does this always happen to me on the hungriest of days?

- ,,

After getting dressed in a black blouse and some grey pants, I headed out to go to the grocery store. I really needed to restock my fridge and pantry.

I entered the local grocery store, grabbing a shopping basket at the entrance. I'd walk through the vegetable and fruit aisles. I got some cauliflower, potatoes, onions, cucumber, apples, grapes, a watermelon because why not? Then I got some limes... I preferred limes over lemons for some reason. I also got some lettuce, radish, and broccoli. I love broccoli. I even eat it raw. I'm not sure why people hate broccoli so much. God, I'm talking a lot about food.
(Joy's Note: Fun fact, I eat raw broccoli and I prefer limes over lemons. ;] )

After I got what I needed, I walked into the ramen aisle and crouched down in front of one of the shelves. I picked up a carbonara flavored ramen pack and a curry flavored ramen pack, looking back and forth between them to decide which one I wanted. Suddenly feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned my head and looked up.

"Excuse me, miss. I need to get some ramen too." A guy with dark hair and a cute face was standing behind me. I stood up and moved away from blocking his path, looking away embarrassingly. "I'm sorry." I watched him grab a few packs of ramen. He looked up at me and smiled. "It's not a problem at all, you didn't have to stand up and stop looking. I appreciate it though." I nodded as a gesture of thanks.

"Han, you get the ramen?" The man I had encountered and I both turned our heads. A taller guy with fierce and sharp cat like features walked towards us with someone following behind him... Chan. Seriously!?

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