Chapter 7

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 Nick carried Maddie out to the lobby of the dance studio and laid her down on one of the many benches. Gianna wanted Nick to go talk to Brandon to see what went wrong and Nick had to calm himself before he lost it right then and there. The girls were sitting with Gianna waiting for the ambulance and Brooke went to call Melissa since she was busy getting groceries at the story.

Since all the girls were with Gianna and Maddie, Nick went back to Studio A were Brandon still was.

When Brandon heard the door to the room open, he looked up to see who it was. Once he saw it was Nick and the expression on Nick's face read that he had successfully pissed him off. Brandon smirked as the door slammed shut behind Nick as he made his way over towards Brandon. 

"Why! Why would you do that to Maddie?" Nick screamed, he was beyond mad and his eyes were no longer a bright happy green like they had been that morning, they were now a dangerous dark green. Brandon shrugged not wanting to explain.

Nick walked up and got in Brandon's face. 

Nick wasn't usually a violent or mean person but when you mess with the people he loves, everything changes. Nick had to use all of his will power to not smack Brandon across the face right that moment.

"I'm waiting for an answer." Nick yelled.

"Fine! You want to know why I did it! I did it because of how close you and Maddie were getting! Everyone saw the way you two looked at one another and if I didn't know any better I would say the two of you were dating!" Brandon screamed, now that he told Nick why he did it he noticed that it didn't really make any sense.

The statement Brandon had just said made Nick even more angry. "Are you stupid? We've been dating for the past week pretty much and even if we are dating why does that make you feel the need to drop her because we are getting so close!" Nick screamed, he didn't even want to look at Brandon. 

"Nick, I did this because you guys are better off as best friends I don't want you to lose your closest friend that you can go to and talk to about anything. Don't make the same mistakes me and Brooke made!" 

"You know everyone keeps telling me and Maddie that we are going to end up just like you and Brooke did. Maddie and I are not you and Brooke. Our relationship is different, it's nothing like how yours and Brooke's was! It is completely different!" Nick screamed. 

Nick was glad no one else was in the room and that all the other girls were out front with Maddie. "Even if me and Maddie are getting close and are dating, why does that mean you have to drop her! Are you jealous or-"

Brandon cut Nick off. "Eww no! Of course I'm not jealous. Maddie is like my baby sister." 

"She was like my little sister too Brandon! But now she's my girlfriend I don't see how that is a problem for you! What would you have done if I would have dropped Brooke on purpose, not that I ever would, when you and her were dating? How would you feel?" Nick said, his voice going slightly quiet from screaming so much.

"I would have wanted to punch you in the face for hurting her on purpose." Brandon answered calmly.

"You see! That's exactly how I feel right now! You hurt not only my girlfriend Brandon, you hurt my baby sister too." 

"Nick! You are not the only one who thinks of Maddie as his baby sister!" Brandon screamed. 

"i wasn't talking about Maddie dipshit, I was talking about Mackenzie! How do you think she feels right now? She just saw her only sister be dropped by someone she trusted with all her heart, how do you think she is doing right now?" Nick screamed, his voice going hoarse and cracking slightly.

"Oh crap...I didn't think of that." Brandon said.

"Exactly! What will she do if something serious is wrong with Maddie now thanks to what you just did, on purpose!" Nick screamed, he was getting in Brandon's face now. 

Nick knew that this could go badly at anytime now. Brandon had gotten in fights at the studio before and knew how to teach someone a lesson. He was also a lot taller and bigger than Nick. 

Brandon pushed Nick away from him causing Nick to stumble slightly. "Back off Nick. You already made me feel bad enough; I don't need to be reminded about what I just did anymore." Brandon said, turning around.

"See this is the problem with you. You do things to people and then when they stand up to you, you can't handle what they are saying about you because it's true. Brandon, let’s face it you need to be knocked off of your high horse because what you just did, that wasn't nice or fair to Maddie, Mackenzie, Melissa, or the whole team even!" 

Brandon had, had enough. He was getting sick of Nick nagging at him. He was sick of how everyone was friends with Nick now and not him.

"Well, Nick if you’re such a good guy, don't you ever hurt Maddie." Brandon said. Nick scoffed. "You think I would hurt her? That's just plain flat out bullshit right there! Never in my lifetime would I think about hurting Maddie. I'm not like you Brandon I don't treat Maddie how you treated Brooke when you two were in a relationship."

Brandon stood up and got right in Nick's face. "You better take that back. I was an amazing boyfriend to her and I would have done anything for her."

Nick rolled his eyes. "So that's why the girls were in the back of the bus that day you broke up with her comforting her, while you sat up front being a coward." Brandon pulled his arm back and made a fist with his hand. He made a punch at Nick's left eye but Nick blocked his fist with his hand. 

Nick rolled his eyes and let go of Brandon's fist, he turned around and started walking towards the door wanting to get out to the lobby to see how Maddie was doing. "I won't let what happened to you and Brooke, happen to me and Maddie. Also don't mess with my family." 

Thos were the last words Nick said to Brandon before pushing the door open leading into the dancers den and running out towards the lobby to check on Maddie.

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