Chapter 8

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By the time Nick was done screaming at Brandon for dropping Maddie on purpose, the ambulance had arrived. Nick was running out to the lobby when he saw the paramedics putting Maddie on a stretcher and loading her into the ambulance.

Nick ran outside of the studio where everyone was already standing. Mackenzie had tears running down her face while Paige was holding her. Maddie was Mackenzie's older sister, she was Mackenzie's role model. 

"Nick." Gianna said, tearing his attention and eyes away from Maddie for a second. "Yeah." He responded. 

"Melissa asked me to ask you, if you would be willing to go with Maddie and stay with her till she got there. She said she is about two hours out of town." Gianna finished. 

"Of course." Nick said. "Are you guys going to follow us to the hospital?"

Gianna turned around and looked at all the girls faces, which had tears streaming down their faces and their bodies were shaking because they were crying so hard. "I don't think that would be the best idea with Melissa not being here and since we don't know what is going on yet." She whispered to Nick. He nodded and then started walking towards the ambulance. He turned around and waved to all the girls and Gianna before jumping into the back of the ambulance with Maddie.

Nick felt bad when Gianna told him all the other girls couldn't come to see Maddie but he understood why. If something was seriously wrong with Maddie no one wanted the girls to see Maddie go through all the stuff that was going to happen once they got to the hospital.

When the ambulance arrived at the hospital the paramedics unloaded Maddie and sent her to the emergency room. Nick was forced to sit and wait in the waiting room until they performed some tests on Maddie and got her registered into the hospital. 

Nick was sitting down in the waiting room when his phone started to buzz. He looked at the caller ID and saw that the screen read Melissa. He picked it up and walked over to a corner in the room, not wanting to disturb any of the other people in the waiting room.

"Hey, Melissa." Nick said quietly.

"Hey! Are you with Maddie?" She questioned.

"Yeah. I'm at the hospital right now waiting for any news from the doctor." Nick responded, hearing the nervousness in Melissa's voice.

"Nick, listen I was wandering if you could do me a huge favor. Apparently Mackenzie had gotten sick at dance tonight after you two left so I won't be able to come to the hospital tonight. I was wondering if you would be willing to stay with Maddie over night. I know you have school tomorrow, but I can call your mom and get it all sorted out. Please, Nick I really need you to be there with Maddie and she needs you there also." Melissa said on the verge of tears. She wanted to be there for Maddie, but since Mackenzie got sick and she was a single parent she had no one to watch Mackenzie and she couldn't bring a sick child into the hospital.

"Melissa, it's fine, I'll stay with Maddie tonight. If you could just call my mom and explain everything that has happened." Nick said.

"I will. Alright I got to go. Thanks Nick, take good care of Maddie tonight and tell her we miss her okay?"

"Absolutely, I'll keep you posted if I hear any news." Nick said quickly seeing a doctor walking towards him.

"Alright, love you." Melissa said. She loved Nick like her son.

"Love you too." Nick said, before hanging up and turning towards the doctor.

"Are you here for Madison Ziegler?" The doctor asked.

"Yes sir." Nick said, his hands starting to shake slightly as he stuck his iPhone back into his pocket.

"Come with me, please." The doctor stated. Nick nodded and followed the doctor down a hallway with a bunch of rooms filled wiht hospital patients. The doctor stopped outside the door with the number of 764 on the door.

"Now I should let you know before you go in and see her, Maddie has a slight concussion, a bruised rib and tailbone and she also has a slightly fracture in both of her shoulder blades." The doctor said. It took pretty much all of Nick's power not to scream and shout at the sky right then. Nick was also starting to get mad again with the many injuries Maddie had just because Brandon had been stupid and dropped her. Nick put on a brave face and asked the doctor, "Will she be able to dance again?" he asked with hope filled eyes.

The doctor sighed. "It depends. If everything heals properly and her bones lines up again, then yes but the chances of that are very, very small right now at the time since we don't exactly know how much of an impact there was on her spine when she fell." Nick nodded and looked at the ground.

"I will be here all night if you have any questions and I will make a few checkups on her during the night." The doctor said before walking away. 

Nick braced himself as he opened the door to Maddie's hospital room. The lights were dimmed and Maddie was just lying on the bed not making any movement. For a second Nick thought she was dead and went into a state of panic, but then he saw the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. He shut the door and walked over and sat in the chair beside the hospital bed. 

Nick pulled out his phone and searched for Melissa's number and started texting her and retelling her, what the doctor had just told him. After he was done texting he put his phone away and just looked at Maddie. She looked so beaten up and almost as if all the life had been sucked out of her body. She was pale and had a big bruise forming around her left eye.

Nick teared up at the sight of her. Maddie didn't look like the Maddie he knew. Maddie had bright blue eyes and a smile was always on her face. This person lying in front of him was a total stranger.

Nick rested his head in his hands for a few minutes before he heard the sheets ruffling. He looked up and saw Maddie opening her eyes slowly. Nick walked over and sat beside her on the bed. Once her eyes were open Maddie tried to sit up but Nick pushed her back down very softly. "No. You need to rest." Nick said, looking at her in the eyes. Maddie nodded looking into his as he gently pushed her back down on the mattress. She looked around the room and noticed the different surroundings. "What happened?" Maddie whispered her voice hoarse. Nick sighed. "It's a long story, but I'll tell you." He said, before beginning the story of how Maddie ended up where she was.

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