Chapter 9

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Right when Nick was going to start telling Maddie why she was in the hospital the doctor walked in.

When the doctor saw Maddie was awake he was a little surprised. "Well hello, look who's awake." He commented, earning a grin from Maddie. The doctor checked all of the machines Maddie was hooked up to. Once he saw that nothing was wrong he asked if she needed anything and then walked away. 

"So, how did I end up in here?" Maddie asked Nick once again.

"Oh, right." Nick said, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Well, you were doing lifts with Brandon and he dropped you. You landed on your neck really hard. So Gianna called an ambulance, and here we are." Nick finished. "Do you remember any of that happening?"

Maddie stared straight ahead at the light blue colored wall, thinking, trying to recall any of the things Nick had just told her. "I think I remember being lifted by Brandon and telling him that I was slipping but he wouldn’t listen, and then it all goes blank." She answered, turning her head and looking at Nick straight in the eyes. They were a beautiful shade of green and Maddie saw true love in his eyes, at that moment.

"I'm so happy you're okay." Nick said, leaning in and gently wrapping her up in his arms. The two of them shifted on the bed so Nick was lying on his back with his head against the pillow and Maddie was laying in between his legs with her head resting on his chest.

"Is my mom coming?" Maddie asked Nick. The sound in her voice made his heart break because he knew she wanted her mom to be there with her. 

"Not tonight, but she will be here first thing tomorrow morning. Nick told her. He left out the part of Mackenzie getting sick because he didn't want her to worry. 

Maddie nodded and buried her head deeper into Nick's chest. Her eyelids were getting heavy so she knew she was going to fall asleep soon. Nick saw that Maddie was fighting to keep her eyes open. He rested his cheek on the top of Maddie's head and stroked her hair. "Go to sleep Maddie." He said giving her a slight kiss on the lips. This caused Maddie to giggle and smile. 

Maddie rolled onto her left side and still kept her head resting on Nick's chest. Nick removed his hand from stroking her hair and moved it down so he was now stroking her back. His fingertips gently grazed over the soft, silky skin not wanting to hurt Maddie or cause her any more pain than she was already in. 

Maddie shut her eyes and tried to go to sleep. She just couldn’t though something was keeping her awake and she couldn't figure out what it was. Nick sensed that she was having a hard time falling asleep so he removed his head from resting on top of hers and he bent his neck down so his lips were on her ear. He whispered sweet things into her ear, and then a few minutes later he felt her breathing slow so he knew that she had fallen asleep. 

Nick removed his lips from her ear and brought his head back up to rest on top of her head again. Nick shut his eyes and tried to fall asleep himself. He was still pissed at Brandon for what he had done, but he needed sleep so he had to calm down. Nick gazed out the window and looked at the full moon shining brightly up in the sky. Nic turned hsi head and peered at the clock on the wall it read 12:00 a.m. He sighed before closing his eyes once more. Nick buried his head into the top of Maddie's. He breathed in the scent of her shampoo that smelled like strawberries. 

After about a half hour had passed Nick finally was calm enough to fall asleep. The two of them slept peacefully until around 2:30 in the morning Nick felt warm droplets hitting his forearm that was wrapped around Maddie and resting under her head.

Nick woke up and met Maddie's piercing blue eyes. He saw they were glassy with tears and had some streaming down her face. "What's wrong Maddie?" Nick asked his voice full with worry.

Maddie let out a sob and her back shook violently. "What if I can never dance again?" Maddie said through sobs, she was well aware of how serious her injuries were. Nick tried to make her feel better, but there wasn't really anything he could say to assure her that she would dance again. It all depended on how her injuries heal.

"It'll be okay, Maddie." He whispered.

"No it won't. If I can never dance again, then my life is over. My whole life revolves around dance." She cried.

"I know it does, but even if you can never dance again, you'll still be a star in my eyes." He whispered to her. This caused Maddie to pick her head up and look at him. 

"I love you." Maddie whispered into the darkness.

"I love you too." Nick whispered back, leaning in and touching his lips to hers. 

The two of them laid back down after that and feel asleep the whole night though even when he was sleeping Nick was thinking about Maddie.

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