Chapter 15

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A few moments later the click clacking of Melissa's heels could be heard outside of Maddie's hospital room. The door then opened to reveal the smiling mother with Mackenzie as they walked back into Maddie's room. 

"Ready to go?" Melissa asked her oldest daughter who was now slipping her jacket on over her shoulders slowly while getting some help from Nick. When Melissa had left to go fill out the papers, and after Brandon had finally left Nick, and Maddie had decided that it was best to get ready to leave. 

While Maddie had went in to the bathroom attached to her hopsital room to change Nick had picked up some of the things that Melissa had brought in along with gifts from Abby, and the other girls that had been brought to help cheer Maddie up while she stayed at the hospital. 

Changing had been a lot tougher than it should have been, but it was only a natural reaction of being dropped that Maddie would ache, and what were once simple movements would hurt for the first few days until she was fully rested, and healed. 

Maddie opened the door about ten minutes later fully dressed in a pair of yoga pants, with her favorite ALDC t-shirt on. 

"Well aren't you just the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on." Nick said while pausing, and turning to look in her direction when he had heard the door knob twist. 

His comment had caused Maddie's cheeks to turn crimson as she made her way over to him to help him place the last couple things in the bag that Melissa had brought to the hospital with her. As Maddie reached for a stuffed bear that Chloe had picked up for her from the giftshop located in the lobby of the hospital nick gently took her hand, and placed it back down by her side while shaking his head. "No, no. I got this. You rest." He told her while looking down into her bright blue eyes. He absolutely adored Maddie, and he didn't want her to risk hurting herself. 

Yes, he knew that picking up a stuffed bear, and placing it into a bag was not a dangerous activity, but he was still extremely cautious of her. As he looked down into her eyes Maddie could read, and understand where he was coming from he. He only wanted her to be safe, and what was best for her, and right now the best thing for her was rest. 

Maddie nodded her head, and without saying anything she walked over to the corner of the room, and took a seat in the chair Melissa had sat in most of the time if she was in the room, and wasn't standing next to the hospital bed. 

Maddie sat in complete silence her memory haunting her with flashbacks of the night she was dropped. They terrified her, and that worried her. She loved to dance, it was all she wanted to do in life, but now she wasn't sure if she could. Even the thought of doing the duet with Nick made her stomach turn in the wrong way. 

After packing up the last few items in the duffle bag, and zipping it shut Nick stood in silence for a minute, getting lost in his own thoughts. Maddie hadn't said one thing to him since the two had got up, and she had been acting on edge ever since Brandon had came in. 

Turning to look at her in the corner, he saw she now had her knees pulled up to her chest, and her head resting against her knees. "Madz? You okay?" He whispered to her softly. 

Without picking her head up from her knees Maddie nodded her head in a yes like manner which caused Nick to let out a soft sigh. He could tell she was lying. She was definietly not okay. He adored Maddie with all his heart, and she was usually a very happy, and upbeat girl, but this Maddie that was in the corner with her knees pulled to her chest, and not talking was like a completely stranger to him. 

Quietly he walked over, so that he was standing in front of her before crouching down in front of her, and reaching up to take one of her hands that were holding her knees to her chest. This loving, and gentle action caused the young girl to jump, and that broke his heart. When she picked her head up from her knees, and let her legs slide down, so she was sitting normally, Nick saw that her eyes were bloodshot, and there were streaks of tears plastered to her rosy cheeks. 

"Maddie..." Nick started while causually stroking her hand softly with is own. "What's the matter?" He asked her softly while looking up at her eyes, trying to get her to meet hsi with her own, but she wouldn't. She just continued to stare at the ground as a few tears made their way down her cheeks which he gracefully wiped away with his thumb. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked her softly, trying to get her to talk. 

After a few moments of silence Nick was about to say something else, but Maddie spoke first. "I'm scared." She admitted softly. Speaking for the first time since they had gotten up all the while meeting his eyes finally. 

Nick looked up at her while contiuning to stroke her hand with his thumb. "Scared of what? He won't drop you ever again Maddie. I'm here, and I will make sure that he will not be near you at the studio, and I will most certainly not drop you." He spoke firmly, but softly all at once. 

When doing partner work espeically lifts, and especially with the younger girls it was the guys job to guard them, and make sure they were safe, and in no position to hurt themselves when being lifted. Brandon had failed at that, and in turn made Maddie feel scared which angered Nick, and it also made Brandon look like an idiot. 

In Nick's opinion though Brandon was an idiot. 

Maddie let his words process in her mind for a moment before she picked her head up, and looked up at the ceiling almost as in looking for some strength or inspiration to tell Nick how she really felt before looking back down at him, and meeting his eyes. "I know I am safe with you, and I want to dance. i just don't know if I can. I feel broken, and I'm terrified of the thought of doing lifts with anyone now." She said before completely breaking down as sobs made the young girls body shake.

Nick reacted quickly, and pulled her into a hug letting her cry into his shoulder as he quickly tried to think of some words to comfort her. Finally after what was only a few moments, but felt like a couple centuries some words of wisdom came to him. 

"Hey. Hey, look at me." Nick spoke softly as he moved to cup her chin softly, and pull her away from his shoulder. with his other hand he quickly brushed away the few tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. The sight of her like this broke Nick himself, but he needed to be strong her her. Maddie needed him now, and he was not going to fail her. 

"You can do this Maddie. You love to dance, and yes it is going to take some time, but you know how we et back into the routine?" He paused wanting her to actually answer, but instead he only recieved a shake of her head. 

"With baby steps. Little by little that Maddie passion for dance will come back, and then you are going to go out, and win every competition that you compete at again, and it will be like a star being reborn." He spoke encouragingly, and for a few brief moments a smile appeared on her face as Maddie finally had calmed down. 

Maddie let Nick's words run through her mind, and everytime she thought of the last few words a smile appeared on her face all over again. 

"Thanks so much Nick." She said leaning forward to wrap her arms around his neck in a tight hug. 

"You're very welcome. Anything for my little Maddie." He spoke as he wrapped her up in his own long arms securly before then picking her up from the chair which caused her to let out a slight squeal, but not one of fright from being lifted, more so one of being happy to be in Nick's loving, and protective embrace. 

A moment later he sat her down on the floor, her feet hitting the plaid tile softly before he offered to help her slip into her coat. This moment lead to when Melissa walked in, and asked the two if they were ready.

"I am definietly ready to get out of here. I hate hospitals." Maddie spoke as she looked up from zipping her coat which caused Nick, Melissa, and Mackenzie to chuckle softly at her silliness. 

"Then let's go." Melissa said before taking Mackenzie's hand, and walking out of the room to start the journey down to where her car was parked in the parking garage which left Nick behind with Maddie. 

"Ready?" Nick asked her stepping up from behind her where he had put his own jacket on, and grabbed the packed duffle bag. He outstretched his hand that wasn't holding the bag to her as he looked down at her. 

When their eyes met she nodded, and a soft smile graced her lips as she placed her hand in his. The action caused Nick to smile before motioning in the direction of door wih his head. "Let's get out of here." He said before starting the walk down to Melissa's car with Maddie. 

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