Chapter 1: Reunited

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He awoke to the sudden rush of heavy wind on his face. Unable to feel the ground beneath his body, he opened his eyes to a blur of white and blue. Squinting and rubbing his eyes, he could make out a heavy mist of what appeared to be fog surrounded by blue in the background. As his vision became clear, he realized he was in a free fall through a dense layer of clouds. He could only see a few steps in front of him, with nothing but the sound of the roaring air as he continued to fall.

His body finally broke through the cloud barrier; his mind becoming clearer from being literally clouded moments earlier. He remembered where he was. In the sky, in what seemed to be only moments prior, those named Rauru and Sonia, using their Tears of Light and Time powers, respectively, helped him to restore the one he had been desperately searching for months.

An ancient dragon, bathed in yellow resembling the light of the land, began to glow a blinding light before transforming into the figure of a woman. The woman wore a green dress with strange symbols he did not recognize. The dress was unfamiliar to him. It appeared to be of ancient design but looked almost brand new. Her skin was lightly tan yet appeared to be smooth, as if made of silk. Her hair was golden blonde, resembling the color of the ancient goddess, Hylia. It was short coming just to the bottom of her neck. The front of her hair was braided on top. Her overall figure was slim with near perfect curves. Around her neck, she wore a green necklace and what appeared to be a yellow tear dangling in front above her chest. Her eyes were closed. She appeared to be unconscious as if she was in some sort of slumber.

Now, all too clear to him, it was the one he had been searching for so long for: Princess Zelda of Hyrule, who was also in a free fall. Coming out of his gaze upon Zelda, who was only a short distance beneath him, the brief feeling of relief and comfort he felt all but left him. A sudden rush of fear hit him like a ton of Hylian logs. She was not waking up and would hit the ground if he did not do something. Although he had just saved her from thousands of years imprisoned as a memory-less, immortal dragon, her life was in mortal danger and she needed to be saved again.

He was wearing only tan trousers and no shirt. Like Zelda, his skin was tan but very rough, with scars and bruises. He was very muscular with an athletic build. His hair was a dirty blonde and long running down the back of his neck. His eyes were sky blue, much like the sky currently surrounding him. His face was fully exposed to the wind. He could feel the strong breeze hitting his face. It was time to act.

He moved his body, positioning his arms to his side and put his legs together, resembling the shape of an arrow. Shifting his full weight downward, head first, he began to pick up speed, closing on Zelda who had still not awoken. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally caught up to her. Reaching out with both arms, he grabbed her torso and took her into his arms. Now that he had her in his grasp, he had to figure out how to save them both.

As they plunged further, he could make out the flat landmarks off in the distance. Almost directly beneath them, he spotted a blue mass that appeared to be wavy. The surface of the mass appeared to be moving and was transparent. He could make out its lighter colors near the edges. As his eyes locked on the center of the mass, its colors became darker with less transparency. It was a small lake that appeared deep enough for one of his stature for the water to completely submerge his head if he were in the center. Concluding the lake was deep enough to withstand the impact of the two falling straight towards it, he rotated his body, pointing his back downward. Zelda, still not awake, locked tight in his arms, was now above him. His body was positioned as a shield prepared to take the full brunt of the impact into the lake. With their velocity still increasing, and without a care to his own well being, he prepared himself to lessen the impact to Zelda upon hitting the surface of the lake.

And then it happened. They both hit the lake with incredible speed causing a gigantic splash of water to explode from the center of the lake. The impact was so strong, water splashed out past all edges of the lake. They sank deep into the lake as the water slowed their speed to a crawl. Having almost hit the lake's bottom, with Zelda still in his arms, he moved his body and began to swim to the surface. Upon reaching the water's surface, he let out a huge grasp, to catch his breath from the long fall and being underwater. A sudden feeling of relief came over him. Looking down in his arms, he could see her still unconscious but breathing normally, in a rhythmic pattern. They were finally on the ground. She was finally safe.

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