Chapter 11: Blessings of Light and Time

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Two Hylians exited the two-story inn found in the center of Hateno Village. The woman, who appeared to be leading the man, who followed no more than a stride behind her, motioned for him to follow her down the stone steps as they closed the large, double wooden doors behind them. They both walked down the path to the large area where the horse stalls and cooking area resided. Now back on the main road leading through town, the two continued toward the main area of the village. The path curved to the right with the slow, flowing stream, filled with crystal, clear blue water, naturally following the curve of the path as the two arrived at a fork in the road. Straight ahead, over the bridge, leads to the main area of the village, whereas the first the right turn goes up the hill to Mayor Reede's house, and the second right turn leads to the Hateno School.

Breaking the silence, the woman spoke to her companion, "Link, where does Uma tend to her crops?" Zelda asked.

Link responded, "She has her own field where she grows vegetables on-demand for me."

"What? You mean to say you own a field now?" Zelda asked with curiosity.

"Oh, no! The field is hers. I helped her out on my adventure during the Upheaval. As a reward, she will grow any crop I request, and quite rapidly I might add; it takes her just a few days. I just have to give her a sample to get started." Link exclaimed to her.

"Well, interesting. You will have to tell me more about this later," Zelda said.

"Of course!" Link replied.

Zelda, regaining her focus on the task at hand, asked Link, "So, which way, Link?" Link motioned to their right toward the school, "Follow the path toward the school and I will guide you to the field," he said.

With a simple head nod, Zelda took the path to the right with Link following closely behind her.

The path was made entirely of dirt, just like the other dirt paths found in the village. Following the path toward the school, the stream continues to flow along the path to its left while a ridge slopes upward to its right, leading to the plateau where Reede's house resides.

Passing an apple tree at the foot of the ridge, the path comes to a fork going left and continuing straight. To the left, is a small, stone bridge over top the stream that ends and dumps into a small pond at the fork. On the other side of the bridge is a small field growing Hylian tomatoes. There, one will find the tomato farmer, Medda. He is a simple man who puts his heart and soul into his self-proclaimed "prized" tomatoes. Spending all day tending to his tomatoes, he nurtures them with care, eventually selling them to various produce shops throughout the land at a premium price. Wearing traditional Hateno farming attire, he has on a white, long-sleeved shirt, green overalls, dark brown boots, and tan straw hat. He is one of the few in the village who does not wear Cece-style attire. He is of slim build with light-tanned skin, brown eyes, and brown hair.

Continuing on the dirt path leading straight, the two Hylians rounded the pond, coming to another fork in the path. A slightly larger dirt path, leading up a small hill, takes one to the school. Taking the path to the left, the two rounded the corner by the hill and arrived atop a small ridge looking down onto one of the houses in the village.

Here, the path widens into a large, flat plateau area, passing by another well. The area continues to expand in size until reaching an open field with a vegetable patch. Here, one finds dark, rich soil, perfect for growing any type of vegetable. Two scarecrows with straw hats stand on each side of the patch, scaring away pesky crows looking to poach a meal from the patch.

The two arrive at the patch and encounter a lone, older Hylian woman tending to the vegetables growing in the patch. On this day, the two find three rows of Swift Carrots growing in perfect size, something they are sure Leop would enjoy.

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