Chapter 3: Change of Heart

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A steady wind was blowing across the plains of the large field where the two Hylians slept; the long blades of grass swaying in the wind in a wavy motion. It was still dark and the sky was crystal clear. Overhead, the only light in the night sky were the diamond stars shining bright and twinkling one after another. It was quiet and peaceful; not a creature was stirring, be it friend or foe.

Weariness had overtaken the two Hylians from the prior day, with the hero battling his ultimate foe and using the last of his strength to revive the woman he had been searching for. The woman, who returned to her original form, was drained of the power she used to help the hero in his battle. Their sacrifices, and ultimate victory over evil, earned them a good night's slumber. Neither Hylian tussled as they slept. Their breathing was slow and rhythmic as they slumbered a small distance from one another. Neither appeared to be dreaming, but in a deep state of rest, allowing them to regain their strength. Neither awoke throughout the night, remaining as still as a statue.

Off to the east, the first rays of the rising sun began to pierce the mountain tops from Lanayru. As the sun continued to rise, the beams of light struck the faces of the slumbering Hylians. Link was the first to wake. Slightly yawning from his slumber, he opened his eyes, rubbing them with the balls of his fists. Now fully awake and able to see clearly, he lifted himself onto his feet and stood. The sun was now fully exposed over the eastern mountain tops. He looked down to his left to see her still sleeping; Zelda was still in her slumber.

Thinking to himself: she must have been wiped out from everything she experienced. She deserved a good night's sleep. I will let her sleep a little longer while I prepare some breakfast. 

Wanting to keep it simple, he opened the Purah Pad and grabbed some fruit: apples, bananas, hydromelons, and wild berries. In a flash of light, the meal ingredients materialized from strings of blue light. The fire was still burning but not enough to cook a good meal. He materialized some additional wood from the pad and placed it on the fire. Within a few minutes, the fire was roaring again. Using a nearby cooking pot that appeared left behind, he put the pot over the fire and waited for the pot to get hot. Once hot, he threw the meal contents into the pot. Within a few minutes, he made several servings of simmering fruit.

Link was famished after the prior day's events. Throughout his travels over the past 5 years, it became well known throughout the land that he was a glutton. Any time he cooked a meal, he spent no time devouring it. On occasion, he would eat an additional 2-3 servings just to satisfy his appetite. With the exception of Dubious food, he would eat any meal in Hyrule. He simply loved food, plain and simple. All of the battling he had done over the years certainly warranted his glutton appetite. Still, in the company of others, he minded his manners. He would always wait for Zelda to be ready before consuming a meal. As her appointed knight, it was the proper behavior to mind.

Instinctively, as the simmering fruit began to cool, Zelda began to stir. The beams of light that had awoken Link had combined into the full shine of the bright, yellow sun. She opened her eyes, looking up at the sun radiating down from overhead. She did not yawn and adjusted herself from her sleeping position to look in the direction where Link had slept. To her disappointment, he was not there. Twitching her long, pointed ears, she picked up the sound of what seemed to be clanging of dishes. She adjusted herself toward the fire. There, she gazed upon a warm, roaring fire with a cooking pot over top it. It was chilly out but the roar of the nearby fire melted away the cold from the morning air. Next to the fire, her eyes locked onto Link, holding two bowls. Almost immediately, the aroma of freshly cooked fruit filled her nostrils, causing her taste buds to moisten, and her throat to salivate. Just as Link, she was famished from the prior day.

Before she could stand, she remembered how much she loved Link's cooking. Before the Calamity, they spent much time together on the road as they traveled throughout Hyrule. Link was a natural cook, so with little effort and almost always seeming to pick the right ingredients, he would make the most tasteful dishes. They were even better than the meals prepared by the royal chef. She also recalled after defeating Calamity Ganon, over the past 5 years, his natural talent for cooking never wavered. His post-Calamity meals were even better, as he found new ingredients and concocted fabulous recipes. Zelda knows, more than anyone, how much of a glutton he is.

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