Never Ending

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Part One.


(( What if one day, you were a perfectly normal witch, then the next day you wake up and the world has jumbled itself up in your mind and under your feet? Take it from me, it's a horrible experience especially when you have nothing left after the whole mess. ))

^Flash Back^

"Tatum, I know this is hard on you, but, they're gone..." Albus Dumbledore whispered from across his desk, his half moon spectacles shimmering with sorrow in the moonlight. The night was gloomier than expected.

I mentally shuddered. Gone. A strong word that stares you straight in the face when you wish it'd just leave you alone. My mind was baffled that this had actually happened, and I wasn't dreaming.

I watched it; I remember their horrifying screams. Each one. All the words that desperatley wanted to escape were stuck in my horribly parched throat.

"G-Gone?" I heard my trembling voice speak. It was horse from all the tears I had shed in the last few hours. I knew exactly what I had just witnessed, and to say I was disturbed is an understatement.

He looked at me again, "Yes, dear. I'm afraid so." The pools of hot liquid streamed down my pale face once again. I didn't feel much though, I was solidly numb. "It shall be fine, my dear. We'll find you somewhere to go." His words cooed me as he put a hand on my small, shaky figure. A whole new bundle of sadness and anger went flashing through my brain in this instant.

This is exactly what I hated. Pity. Now, because of him, people would give me somber eyes. I don't want that. I'm just Tatum, the girl who witnessed death.

He will pay for this, I have the scar to prove it.

^Present Day^

"Ughh." I groaned as the sun's rays seeped through the blinds. I pulled the quilt over my head to try and block the evil light.

"Get up, Tate! Mum'll be furious if you aren't awake in one minute." Ginny alerted from the side of my bed. I sighed heavily one last time as I bid farewell to my blissful bed.

I sat up in my bed and glared at Ginny Weasley in her red-headed glory. "Finally! Please hurry!" She urged me again. I rolled my eyes, but did so as I grumbled under my breath sleepily.

I leapt over to the chest of drawers Ginny and I shared then slipped my purple robes on and put my strangely straight golden hair into a high ponytail on my head. I nodded approvingly at the reflection of the freckle-faced, blue eyed girl. Her face showed no sign of sorrow, which is what I strived for each day. But the scar on my cheek would forever remain. Always a reminder of that day.

After all these years, it's grown into a soft oink that blends in with the patches of freckles on my upper cheek. As much as I can, I try and cover it up with hair or a charm. Today, though, I'm showing it to the world.

I finally grabbed my mother's old, worn out, brown trunk. I heaved it into my arms and padded down the stairs to be greeted by Ron, my best friend in the world. Sorry to say that he might just beat out Ginny. "'Morning, Tate."

I grinned in response, "Hullo, Ronald. I'm so nervous. Aren't you?" I questioned him while grabbing a shiny red apple off the counter.

"Not really. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Harry and Hermione'll love you." He clarified. I shook my head, still wondering what this was actually going to be like. Words mean nothing.


Over this summer, I had gained some new, amazing friends. I love my new home with the Weasley's. Although they're poor already, they decided to take me from Dumbledore anyways. Good thing my parents left me money, I'd hate for them to pay for me. Being a burden isn't really my forte. They insist I'm not, though it does make me feel better to know I have my own hand on the Weasley clock.

Never Ending [Draco Malfoy] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now