Never Ending [FINAL]

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Chapter Nine - 


       "Uh, sure. What's up?" I asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible, when in all reality I wanted to punch him straight in the jaw. He honestly doesn't know what he's getting himself into. Clearly.


       I plopped down on the maroon couch that was still a tad warm from Ron's presence only moments ago. "Are you ignoring me?" Whew. I thought this was going to have to be painfully awkward! Guess not. Hope I didn't jinx myself...

      "No, I just haven't been feeling real well, ya know. Sirius Black on the loose is quite scary." I lied halfly, not meeting his emerald eyes. They remind me of the Wizard of Oz.

       I love that muggle tail. Quite imaginative that they think wizards are really like that. "Oh. Well, you've been acting weird since dinner." He observed, looking at me expectantly.


      "I bet it was some mashed potatoes that I ate. Listen, I'll talk to you tomorrow." And with out giving him room to reply, I jogged up the stairs into the girl's dormitories. "I think you're right." I confessed, flopping on my bed dramatically.


       "When am I ever wrong?" Hermione questioned, looking up from some random potions book. Does she ever take a break? Her schedule has to be completely ridiculous with all those books she carries around. I'd've died by now!

       "From the looks of it, never. How do I let him down easy? I've, er, already got a boyfriend." Damn, that'd be hard to cover up. Maybe Draco would pretend for me. We are friends, right? Right.

      "You do?" Hermione quizzed me suspiciously. Her curly hair was in her face and I  could tell she didn't believe me like I'd hoped.

     "Yup. I cannot tell a lie." I lied. Ha, IRONY!

      "She went back to gazing at her book, leaving me time to quickly scribble a note to Draco. I hope he goes along with this or I'm screwed!


     The next morning I awoke early, getting into my robes as fast as possible and then running into the dungeons to see Draco, who said he'd meet me there. I honestly don't know why I'm doing this, but I just can't deal with Harry.

     "So, what's your answer? I'm not taking no for an answer." I prodded him, seeing the grimace on his features from being waken up an hour earlier than usual. His hair and robes were still in perfect a linement, but that didn't stop him from yawning loudly.

       "What's in it for me?" He grumbled, leaning against the wall for support. Heh, weakling.

      " Well, you can annoy the hell out of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They don't really approve of you and... well you in general. Plus, you could have the whole school's attention." I tried, hoping he'd go for it. Hey, don't blame me! I think he might be an attention whore! 

      "I don't like the attention, like you think, so that's marked off the list. But, getting to annoy Potter, I'm in. When do I start?" He asked, giving me a questioning look. By the way he just strecthed, I'm guessing he's at least half way awake now. If not, that's just too bad.

       "How about now?"

      Draco shrugged. "Fine. But I have a question."

      I nodded for him to go on. "Why me? You know this'll just be never ending, right?"

      I laughed a little, though it wasn't strangled. "Have you ever thought that maybe I wanted it to be never ending? Please, don't doubt me. I chose you for a reason." I assured him with a smirk in place on my face.


      "Would you ever consider actually being with me?" I froze in place as soon as I realized what he was saying. Holy hell. Is he kidding? A voice in my head told me no, but it's wrong. I hope. I'd be dead meat. But the answer is yes, so I might as well be honest for once in my miserable life.

      "Yes, yes I would. How about it?"


      And that's how our story ends, and a new one begins. Let's just say Harry wasn't too happy about Draco and Tatum. It was an actual, real relationship. Eventually, everyone knew about Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Turns out, he wasn't a filthy criminal. Just a good friend who was betrayed. But, let's get back to Tatum and Draco. What happened? Well, the truth being that they got married after the Battle of HogWarts, Tatum fought with her friends, and Draco with his family. Their child, Scorpius Malfoy attends HogWarts, but I'll stop here. That's another story for a different time. 


: The end! FOR NOW! I'll write more and edit it later, but for now. This is where it ends. Hope you enjoyed, mates. Look for the sequel, 'Forever Living.'  :)

 - Jamie :)

Never Ending [Draco Malfoy] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now