Never Ending

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Chapter Eight - Chess With Neville and Confession.


I flopped on my bed, Hermione was staring at me intensely. It was scary how she knew me so well. Better than Ron. Well, I'm sure he knew was something up, but just let me go 'cause of Harry.

I really wanted to get to the bottom of Harry's weird behavior and Draco's words that echoed in my brain as soon as he said them.

"If I tell you you'd have to swear not to tell anyone on Crookshanks's grave. This is serious." I voiced, staring at her stonily. Okay, so maybe I'm a little on the dramatic side, but you get the point.

"I swear." She stated, the same expression written all over her freckled face.

I smiled, knowing she was genuine. "I'm friends with Draco."

"Draco?" Was all she said. In my opinion, she looked much like a lost puppy.

Gee, what's with these people and their over use of last names? It's really ridiculous. "Yes, as you know, Malfoy. He pulled me into the hallway after I left in the Great Hall. But, something he said stayed with me more than most." I thoughtfully mentioned to her.

Does Harry like me?

Nah, that's just Draco trying to distract me. I hope.

"What could Malfoy have possibly said that wasn't infuriating and worth your time?" She asked, mostly to herself, I think. Gryffindors and Slytherins really don't go that deep in their mind, now do they?

"He said he wanted to be friends and that Harry likes me. Please tell me you think it's rubbish, too!" I pleaded, sounding awfully desperate. Suddenly, I'm glad that we have our own room. If any one else heard my outburst, they'd think I'd've gone mad!

The only thing that really got Hermione interested was the mention of friends! I swear I'll choke someone the next time I try to explain this! "No, I've seen the way he looks at you, I'm more than sure he has a crush on you." She concluded, seeing my expression and backing off of the whole Malfoy charade.

"That bloody idiot!" I yelled at nothing in particular. Sometimes he just pisses me off! More than that annoying Lavender Brown girl!

"Why are you so mad at Harry? He only likes you!" She asked.

I rolled my eyes in pure irritation. "What don't you get about he likes me?! I don't like him more than a friend, plus he's annoying when it comes to Draco! It's not like I'm going to marry the guy!" I hollered. This time she was really making me angry.

"Don't jinx yourself! Give him a chance, Tatum! He's a really nice guy!" She tried to assure me, but failed.

"You know what, now I wish I will! That'll piss all of you drama queens off, won't it!"

Before I could even see her reaction to my harsh words, I fled the room, wanting to find either Ronald or Jasper. Me, being me, I was running so fast down the stairs that I bumped into Neville.

My face immediately brightened at the sight of my clumsy friend. "Hullo, Neville. Wanna play some wizard's chest?" I questioned. Hopefully this will get my mind off this whole retarded situation!

He blushed a little and nodded his head 'yes.' I couldn't help but put my arm around his shoulders and guide him to the warm maroon and gold common room that was so cozy for almost any activity.

Ron and Harry were still on the couch, looking over the Daily Prophet. It was more than likely about Sirius Black, the mass murderer.

I ignored Harry's and Ron's eyes when we sat down and began to play a violent game of chess. I don't see how muggles play it with their hands! It seems quite pointless. I mean, who doesn't like violence in a classy game? I know I'm up for it!

"So, what's your favorite subject?" I asked him, making small talk.

He sighed deeply. "Well, I'm quite bad at almost everything. The only thing I can do without blowing up anything is herbology, it's my favorite. I hate potions, though." Was his reply as his knight demolished my pawn.

I laughed cheerily. "That makes two of us. Potions does majorly suck! I'm best at D.A.D.A. Lupin's an amazing teacher." I complimented. The boggart lesson today was bloody brilliant! Mine came out as a death eater.

I shivered mentally at the thought and returned to Neville and our conversation. "I can see, you were awfully brave with that death eater." He raved, moving another piece with a grin on his face.

"You're creaming me!" I laughed, "There's a reason we were sorted in Gryffindor, Neville. Keep that in mind. You knocked Snape and his man purse right off his high-heeled shoes!" My voice filled the common room and then I noticed it was only Harry, Neville, and I. Great.

"That was pretty awesome!" He chided, smiling as well. I looked at my watch and realized it was about eleven. Shocking that the twins aren't awake! Oh, yeah, they had detention with Filch. Poor mates!

"I'm going to head off to bed, I'll see you at breakfast." He promised and walked up the stairs. He just beat me! And Ron trained me all summer! Ugh, I sucked anyway.

"Tatum, can I talk to you?" A voice asked from the couch.

Shoot me, will you?


Never Ending [Draco Malfoy] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now