Never Ending

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Part Three.


For the rest of the train ride we chatted about a few random things here and there. I didn't really want to tell them about why I live with the Weasley's, and I was much relieved when they didn't ask. It was as if a giant weight had been taken off my shoulders just for the night.

Finally, after a long wait, HogWarts came into view. I had heard about it many times, but never thought it would look this amazing! It was better than almost anything I'd ever seen. Ron caught my baffled look and chuckled. "Surprised?" He asked. I just shook my head 'yes.'

They all laughed again, until we got out of the train and this huge guy with a beard was herding the first years into boats to get to the castle. Thankfully, it wasn't raining, or else I'd be screwed. Since I was supposed to sorted tonight, Hermione told me I had to get in a boat with them all.

One long boat ride later filled with a monstrous amount of jabbering, we were on solid ground. The stiff-backed witch, Professor McGonagall, lined us up alphabetically. Her silver-brown hair was pulled up into a tight bun under her large witch's hat, making her look even taller. I might not be a puny eleven-year-old, but I'm no seventh-year.

She had a thick British accent that was harsh and meant discipline. I wanted to laugh at her voice, up until the moment I realized I had one, too... "Alright, listen up!" She called sharply. "I'm going to give the welcome speech and then you all should enter. I will call your name and then you'll come up and the hat will sort you into a house."

After that, she went out through the large wooden doors to do her speech. Now it was time for the sorting to begin. Oh, Merlin, I'm nervous! For one last time before I was called, I looked into the crowd for Ron's torch for hair along with Harry and Hermione. From what I can tell, they are always together.

Pops spoke to introduce me. "Good evening, all. Tonight, we have a new third year student who will be shorted first. Watson, Tatum." Dumbledore's voice echoed through out the Great Hall.

I walked with confidence through the narrow walk way through two of the long tables. This sudden confidence gave me an edge, so to say. Not one person could say I was shy by the way I walked. I plopped my arse down on the three-legged stool while the ratty hat was placed atop my head.

"Ahhh, a Watson. Haven't seen one of your bloodline in such a while." The hat chided thoughtfully.

I grimaced, "Yeah, I'm the only one left."

"So I see. Now the real question is where to put you, where to put you." I glanced up at it, it's face was scrunched as if it were actually lost in thought. Personification on a whole new level, people! "Well, you've got the brains of a HufflePuff, but you could also be in RavenClaw. No, too mischievous for their kind. That leaves Slytherin or Gryffindor, my dear. Hard choice. Sly, cunning, could go to the dark side easily and take over your senses. But, then again, you're too loyal at heart. Bold enough." Everyone at all the tables was staring straight at me. All wondering what in the bloody hell is happening up here.  

To them, it must look like I'm catching up with an old friend, not a hat.  

Another moments passed of pure silence before the hat's gruff voice yelled, "Better be... GRYFFINDOR!!!"

I practically did the happy dance when this happened. I jumped up and ran to my new house table, only to be greeted by a giant bear hug from Ron and Jasper.

I grinned as I took my seat by Harry and Jasper. I'm really glad I got in Gryffindor. Otherwise, who would have known what would have happened. I have two words for you. Not good. As in, I would be a like, 'Mwahaha! Bow down to me!' It sounds kinda funny in my head. But for fear if people thinking I'm a nutter, I didn't dare laugh aloud.

Never Ending [Draco Malfoy] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now