• Chapter Fifteen •

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Bakugou POV

It doesn't feel like a home at all, her apartment. The living room is bare other than a bamboo mat, a small coffee table, a single cushion, and a punching bag. I know she lives alone, but Jesus Christ. The kitchen is just as bare, save two bowls, a couple of plates, a beat-up pot, and a beat-up pan.

The idiot ducks into the bathroom to change.

I don't want to seem like a creep but...I peek into her room. Just as I thought, her room is barren. There's a small tattered woven rug by the nightstand, the room only contains a nightstand, a mattress, a rickety desk, and a dog bed. A single blanket and pillow lay on the mattress. A smashed, non-functional alarm clock sits on her nightstand as the only real decoration other than the threadbare rug and the large dog bed in the corner of the room. Books and schoolwork sit neatly piled on the edge of her desk, the most personal thing in the entire apartment.

I didn't realize her living situation was so bad. It's not messy or trashed, it's just...empty. It makes me wonder about how she felt in my house, cluttered with stupid pictures and unnecessary decorations that my mother collected over the years. Her home feels cold. Not even curtains on the windows. Like no one lives here. There's even another bedroom. It's a bit smaller, and almost completely empty, only containing an electric keyboard, a few moving boxes, and some weird instrument cases. Almost all of them seem to just be collecting dust.

With the sun beginning to set, the apartment grows dark, appearing even more like an empty shell. How can anyone live like this? Kai walks out of the bathroom in shorts and the hoodie I lent her. She's pulled the top half of her hair into a small bun. She moves unfazed through the skeleton of an apartment, though she freezes to turn to me.

"Were you just standing in the dark? I didn't turn the lights on, did I?"

"Of course you didn't turn on the lights, dumbass."

She wrinkles her nose, "Well, I'm sorry, dumbass, I don't normally turn on the lights." She lowers her head, "I mean, why would I? It's not like I can really tell the difference between light and dark. It saves money on the electrical bill anyways."

"Tch. Whatever. Let's just go. Are you ready?"

"Almost. Let me get Sora's vest on." From a series of hooks by the door, she grabs a service dog vest as well as the harness. She straps him in quickly, the dog tapping his feet back and forth happily. Kai chuckles, grabbing a simple black wallet and shoving it in her pocket.

"Ready?" I say, feeling slightly irritated at how long she's taking.

"Calm down, blasty. Grab my keys on the counter?" She asks. I reach across the counter and hand her the keys, noticing the small Eraserhead keychain attached. Before I can ask about it, she swings open the door. Locking the door behind us, Kai shows me to the nearest store. It seems a little ridiculous, considering I'm following the blind girl around the busy city at night.

"How much money do you have for groceries?"

"20,000 Yen." She adjusts her grip on Sora's harness, "I just received my weekly allowance yesterday, so I haven't bought anything."

"Are you five years old? Weekly allowance from what?"

"Think about it, dumbass." She rolls her eyes, "I live alone on someone else's funds. I have a legal guardian that sends me grocery money once a week. He pays my rent, too."

"Tch. That's basically a sugar daddy. Weirdo."

Kai recoils, wrinkling her nose, "Ew. Please never call him that again. I hate the guy."

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