• Chapter Sixteen •

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Bakugou POV

I tried to call her. Four times. It's ten in the morning, dammit. Fuck it, I guess. I walk up to her apartment and knock on the door. On the other side of the door, I hear a jingle and a patter of paws. Sora. The dog shuffles around on the other side of the door while I wait for his stupid owner to wake up and answer the door. I rap my knuckles on the door again and I hear soft footsteps. The door unlocks and swings open.

"What the hell do you want?" She stands in the doorway in her pajamas. Dark circles ring her eyes, her hair a mess. She rubs her eyes, "Bakugou? What in the world are you doing here?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." She groans, "Just come in, asshole."

"I told you I'd come here today for meal prep, dumbass." I kick off my shoes and lock the door behind me, "I tried to call you."

"I didn't think you'd come at ten in the fucking morning." She shuffles down the hall, "Do what you want, I'm going to take a shower." I try to hide my amusement, patting Sora's head, who eagerly nuzzles my hands.

After finding a black apron rolled up in the back of a drawer, I start on meal prep. Six meals, two for breakfast, one for lunch, three for dinner. Seeing as she has lunch at school most of the time.

Breakfast meal prep is easy. I set oatmeal on the stove to cook and wash fresh berries, setting them in a tupperware container. I scramble eggs, pouring them one-by-one in a muffin pan, along with tomatoes, seasoning, and some bacon bits. Once the oatmeal finishes cooking, I pour it in a microwavable jar. Chopped nuts, honey, fresh fruit, and oatmeal stacked in the fridge. I also add a set of six jars of protein smoothies that I made this morning with frozen fruit I'd brought home last night. I stack up yogurt cups on the side of the fridge while my scrambled egg breakfast muffins finish baking. Once the timer goes off, I let the muffins cool before stacking them on a plate, covering them in plastic wrap, and putting them in the fridge. Breakfast prep done.

For lunch prep, I make a variety of onigiri and prepare a large pot of miso soup. Simple enough. Onigiri goes in bento boxes, the miso in a large glass tupperware bowl.

Kai comes out of the bathroom, releasing a ridiculous cloud of steam. She wears casual clothing, her damp hair slightly slicked back. She drifts to the kitchen, taking a seat on a stool at the counter, "Mm. Smells good."

"Of course it fucking does." I turn to grab a clean knife, "I'm almost done."

For dinner, I pick three main courses along with a side of stir-fried vegetables. Cold soba, easy to reheat curry, and baked furikake salmon. I make a batch of rice in the idiot's ancient rice cooker. I made soba last night, so I just slide the tupperware into the fridge. I put the salmon in the oven with the egg muffins. While the salmon bakes, I make the curry in a slightly banged up pot. When the curry finishes, I put plastic wrap over the pot, put on the lid, and slide it in the fridge. The timer for the salmon goes off and I quickly put it in a glass tupperware container.

Now for the best part.

I slide a plate of pancakes in front of Kai. The girl brightens up, her sleepy eyes widening, "This smells amazing, Bakugou. Thank you!" I start to clean up the dishes, trash, and dirty counters.

I lean against the counter after wiping it down, "Make sure your dumbass remembers this, listen closely. Breakfast is on the top shelf of the fridge, with smoothies, yogurt is on the door. For breakfast, you just have to reheat the oatmeal for a couple minutes in the microwave or reheat some of the egg muffins for about thirty five seconds. There's fresh berries and chopped walnuts for the oatmeal. Are you following?"

"I'm blind, not deaf, Bakugou." Kai takes a bite of her pancakes, "This is delicious."

"No shit, it's because I made them." I roll my eyes, "Anyways, for lunch and snacks, there's onigiri and miso soup on the middle shelf. Middle shelf also has fresh milk, mango juice, and your shitty energy drinks. Dinner's on the bottom shelf. Cold soba, curry, and baked furikake salmon. There's also stir-fried veggies for a side. Obviously, you can just take the soba right out of the fridge. Curry, salmon, and vegetables, just reheat for five to ten minutes on a pan, put it on rice. The salmon's good with a bit of kewpie mayo. Kewpie mayo is on the condiment shelf on the door, along with hot sauce and sriracha. Fresh apples in the drawer for a snack."

"Whoa. You put that all together in a little over an hour?"

"I did some of it this morning before coming here." I grab a small plate of pancakes for myself.
"That's amazing." She picks at a stray blueberry on her plate, suddenly growing quiet, "Thank you, Bakugou. You know—the first homemade meal I had was your mom's. This is beyond amazing." She beams, "I guess I get to have a homemade meal everyday now."

"Whatever. I just can't believe I lost to your dumb ass, especially since you seem to run on sodium and energy drinks."

She shrugs, "Not wrong."

"Tch. You're ridiculous."

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