• Chapter Seventeen •

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My mood improves significantly after eating breakfast. Considering my breakfast normally consists of a protein shake and a tea, this is a nice upgrade. The pancakes are fluffy, the fruit on top is both sweet and tart, all covered in syrup. It's delicious.

I finish quickly, wiping syrup from the corners of my mouth, "Maybe you're useful for something, after all, blasty. That was a damn good breakfast."

"What did you say to me?" The boy growls, finishing off his own plate.

"Nothing. I said thanks for a delicious breakfast." I grin cheerfully, "So, what do you plan to do for the rest of the day? There's no school, and I know you have no friends, so..."

"Tch. I'm going on a hike."

"A hike?" I mumble. I've never been on a hike. I used to ask to go hiking when I was younger, but I was never allowed outside.

"If you want to come, you can. I don't really care." The boy sniffs, trying to act like he could care less.

"Sure, I'll go." I stand up, putting my syrup-covered dish in the sink, "Let me get changed."

"Don't take forever." The boy mutters.

"Okay mom."

What does one wear hiking? I throw on a comfy sweatshirt along with a pair of flared yoga pants. What else? I don't have hiking boots. I settle on an old pair of tennis shoes and toss on a baseball cap I got as a gift from my neighbor. Shoving a handful of items into a small backpack. I should grab an energy drink, too.

Walking down the hall, I hear Bakugou happily interacting with Sora. Dammit, that asshole is stealing my own dog from me. I toss an energy drink in my backpack along with a couple bottled waters. I grab some protein bars from the cupboard and toss in a half-empty bottle of sunscreen.

"I think I'm good to go." I grab Sora's harness, "Come here, Sora!" Thankfully, he's not completely disloyal. My lovely dog happily comes straight to me. I clip him into his harness and vest while Bakugou slips on his shoes and grabs the bag he brought. I didn't notice he'd brought that earlier.

"We'll take the bus to the base of the mountain and start hiking from there. Just don't be too damn annoying."

"No promises, sparky."

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever you say, blasty. Lead the way." I jokingly motion towards the door. Bakugou scoffs and walks out the door. I follow with Sora, locking the door behind me. We get on the bus, but not before the bus driver throws a fuss about Sora.

"He's a service dog, sir." I mumble politely.

"Yeah? You don't look like you need him." The driver scoffs, "Kids these days. Thinking it's okay to fake a disability."

"Hey asshole, she's fucking blind. Tell me—what the hell is a blind person supposed to look like?" Bakugou grabs my arm and pushes me down the aisle, "Just keep moving, if he wants to pick a fucking fight, he can."

I purse my lips. Bakugou sits by the window, I take the aisle. I nudge Sora with my leg until he's sitting between my knees in an attempt to keep him out of the way. Bakugou mutters curses under his breath, still pissed about the bus driver.

"Relax, Bakugou. That's a pretty standard response. I have Sora's official papers that license him as a service animal on my phone just in case." I sigh, digging my earbuds from my bag, "How long is the bus ride?"

"A little over twenty minutes."

"Cool." I put in an earbud, offering Bakugou the other one. After a moment, he grudgingly takes it. I lean back, closing my eyes and letting my hands rest against Sora's head. Why did I agree to go on a hike? And with someone I barely know.

We did experience something life-threatening together, but as far as getting to know each other, I'm pretty much in the dark. I don't know what he likes to do other than cook. I don't know if he has any friends from middle school, what middle school he went to, things like that. I know his mom seems to scold him a lot, but I don't know much about his personality outside of his loud, angry facade that he puts on for the class.

That's something. I know that he pretends to be a lot meaner than he generally is. It's like he's afraid of something. Of getting too close. That's a quality we share, but I joke to avoid personal questions.

"Bakugou?" I mumble quietly. He doesn't respond, making me second guess whether he heard me or not. But, after a moment, he hums disinterestedly, shifting towards me slightly. I tap my fingers anxiously against my knee, "I have kind of a weird request."

"Tch. Just tell me."

"What do you look like?" I chew on my lip, distracting myself by petting Sora.

"What the hell kind of question is that?"

A heavy sigh racks my body, "I don't know what anyone looks like—even myself. I guess I just—I would like to use my imagination to try and picture people, you know? I associate color with certain energies and auras, so it's not like I have no idea what colors are."

"I could lie." The boy says teasingly, "I could say I'm over 190 centimeters tall. My hair is bright blue and my eyes are silver. I have a beauty mark above my eyebrow, and I'm one of the most handsome boys in the entire world."

I roll my eyes and turn away from him, "Forget it."

"I have spiky blonde hair, like my mom. It drives me insane to no end. I occasionally model for my parents' designs, so I would say I'm decent looking." He speaks matter-of-factly, not in a way that tries to brag but simply states things the way they are. His words seem almost thoughtful, "I'm 172 centimeters tall and still growing. My skin is really clear for the same reason my mom's is, the nitroglycerin in our sweat is really good for skin. And I have red eyes."

"Red?" I chuckle in amusement. What a coincidence, that his eyes would be the same as his aura. We've turned to face each other now, I ask, "What shade of red?"

"What shitty ass question is that?" The boy scoffs, "I don't fucking know. Scarlet or whatever."

Identical to his aura.

Bakugou coughs, pretending to seem uninterested again, "I don't care if you believe me or not. That's the description you're getting for me."

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