Chapter 4: Top Secret

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Kodwin kept close to Iggy as they walked over to his gifts. Larry and Lemmy played with almost every toy they got immediately. They got the typical kind of stuff. Dinosaurs, race cars, rocket ships, that sort of thing. Larry and Lemmy immediately went to their tv to play a new video game they had gotten. Kodwin noticed Iggy wasn't smiling. He didn't make any move to open his presents. He got up and held out his hand to Iggy. Iggy got up and followed Kodwin to his bunk. Kodwin sat down next to Iggy.

"Okay what's going on with you Iggster? You're usually much happier than this." Kodwin commented, concerned about his nephew.

"It's dad, he's gotten really bad again." Iggy replied quietly.

"What do you mean?" Kodwin asked.

"He's been atttacking random people again." Iggy responded.

"Again? Oh no... that ain't good." Kodwin said softly. Iggy nodded.

"It's really not. He almost attack Lemmy and Larry yesterday, but I got him to chase me until he got too tired to chase anymore. He hurt me a little but not too badly." Iggy stated.

"Where did he hurt you?" Kodwin questioned. Iggy held out his arm showing Ko dwin the deep scratch mark on his arm.

"Iggy, I need to like, fix that. We don't want it to get infected." Kodwin said grabbing the first aid kit.

"Okay fine, just get it over with." Iggy mumbled. Kodwin cleaned out Iggy's wound and wrapped it in bandages. Iggy sighed softly.

"Hey, y'know what Iggy? I'm here now, and he won't hurt any of you again as long as I am. Would you like to go to Koopa Cove to get away from your dad for a couple days?" Kodwin questrioned. Iggy immediately brightened up and Larry and Lemmy looked over.

"Koopa Cove?!" Lemmy asked.

"Can we come?!" Larry inquireded

"Yes I wanna go!" Iggy exclaimed. Kodwin laughed a bit.

"Of course you guys can come. It's for fun and to celebrate all three of your guy's birthdays after all." Kodwin said, "We'll head out tomorrow, 'kay?" Larry and Lemmy nodded eagerly as they went back to playing their video game.

"Oh Uncled Kodwin, speaking of birthday's, I think I'm ready to open my presents now." Iggy stated. Kodwin smiled and walked over to Iggy's presents again and watched as Iggy tore the wrapping paper off each gift and smiled. Kodwin had asked the koopas to also construct a small lab for Iggy in the castle, which was gonna be a big surprise.

"Uncle, I love these gifts but why do I have all these chemicals and beakers? I don't have anywhere to put them." Iggy commented.

"Well Iggy, I have something to show you. Follow me." Kodwin said as he grabbed all the gifts. Iggy followed Kodwin down a small hallway by their room. He stopped in front of a door Iggy hadn't noticed. He looked at the sign above the door.

"Iggy's lab... Iggy.. I'm Iggy.. WAIT IM IGGY! DID YOU GET THE KOOPAS TO CONSTRUCT A LAB FOR ME?!" Iggy asked getting very excited. Kopdwin nodded and opened the door, walking in and setting up all of Iggy's gift. Iggy was running around like crazy, exploring everything.

"Hahahahaheehehho! This is gonna be just perfect..." Iggy said to himself, smiling evilly as he began grabbing chemicals and beakers to make a very certainthing he needed.

(Iggy being a little bit suspicious suddenly)

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