THREE, Hope For The Best.

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CHAPTER THREE. Hope For The Best.

    "RELAX — we're more likely to die riding on a horse than in a plane

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"RELAX — we're more likely to die riding on a horse than in a plane." Zia Rodriguez informed her colleague, Franklin Webb, who's nerves were electrified.

"No, I'm not because I won't get on a horse. My chances are zero." Franklin sasses back, glaring at Zia. The girl rolled her eyes, over his dramatics. Claire and Zia shared an opinionated look, both quirking the opposite brow.

"Planes are the safest way to travel."

"You call this a plan- my cousin has a drone bigger than this."

Ignoring their bickering, Claire impatiently waited for the arrival of Tate, Zach and Owen. Even though she was still hesitant on Zach coming along, she was confident in Tatum to keep him safe. She needed to let her worries slide and put her full focus on the task at hand.

The wheels of Zach's vehicle pulled up less than a minute before the planned take off, reliving Claire. She had become nervous they had flacked — though, knowing Tate, she wouldn't go down without a fight.

"You guys are late." Claire grinned, her hands on her hips as she watched the two young adults exit the shabby car. Zach waved her off, jogging towards the trunk to retrieve their belongings. Tate returned a similar smile to Claire, tilting her sunglasses up onto her head. "Nice look." Claire glanced down Tatum's body, the Grant girl doing a 360 spin for Claire to get the full effect. "Nice hat, too." Claire gently thumped the cotton brown hat that sat on Tate's head, making it slightly bounce.

"It was my dad's." Tate smiled cheerfully. Claire had vaguely met Tate's parents and was honored to do so. All the kind and incredible things written in the articles about them were true. Claire finally knew where Tate got all of her talent. She was her mother in looks and father in personality.

Most of the time.

The thud of luggage being thrown into the small compartment of the plane got the two's attention, their heads twisting towards two unfamiliar identities Tate had yet to meet. Clearing her throat, Claire placed a hand onto the back of Tate — guiding her towards Zia and Franklin, who saw Tate and Claire coming from the corner of their eyes. Knowing exactly who they were about to meet, they immediately started arranging their looks. Tate noticed this, releasing a huffing laughter through her nose.

"Franklin, Zia — this is Tatum Grant. She used to work on the island with me. She was our lea-"

"Lead Jurassic World trainer, of course, I know who you are." Zia shook her head, taking a step forward with a hand reached out. "Zia Rodriguez. Ms. Grant, I'm a huge fan, really. Your work was incredible, especially at your age. I've been watching you grow up for literal years and you never seize to amaze me."

"Thank you." Tate blushes. "I would've met you sooner if I had the time. Going from living on a rent-free island to making drinks in a crappy old bar definitely wasn't my plan after Jurassic world." Tate joked, earning a laugh from Zia.

"I understand. I just can't wait to witness you back in action. The way you connected with the dinosaurs was so inspiring. I just- wow." Zia was at a loss of words, screaming internally inside.

Clearing his throat, Franklin took this as his time to make an entrance. "Franklin Webb, nice to meet you." He introduced himself to Tate in a low tone of voice, grasping her hand for a gentle shake. Tate forced a smile, nodding her head to him. "Big fan of your work, too. Just like Zia, I can't wait to see you out there with the dinosaurs."

"Let's just hope it'll be as amazing as you think it will be." Tatum's hand ran through her hair as Zach creeped behind her, taking ahold of her empty palm. She gladly hooked her hand around his, her head tilting towards the plane, back to the two in front of her view. "Zia, Franklin, this is my boyfriend, Zach aka Claire's nephew, Zach this is Zia and Franklin."

"Nephew?" Zia chuckled, shaking Zach's hand. "That's why I recognized you. How'd you two meet?"

"She saved me from being eaten alive by a dinosaur." Zach shrugs causally, Tate's eyes widening at his bluntness.

"Alright, then." Claire awkwardly speaks up, tugging on Tate and Zach's arms. "Let's go! We have places to be." The five all enter into the small motor-vehicle, cramping in tightly, trying to find comfort in the small space.

Tate's eyes wandered around the plane's insides, not paying much attention to what was in front of her until a moaning groan escaped an entity straight ahead of her. Gasping, Tate's head banged against the planes ceiling from surprise, her eyes cringing shut from the pain. "Ow." She whines, attempting to ease the pain.

"Owen!" Claire said in surprise, staring at an exhausted man with a messy head of hair.

"Franklin, you wiener, get on the plane." Zia teased in the background.

"Didn't think you were ever gonna show up." He admits groggily, the force of Tate's body falling beside his causing him to scoot farther away from her. "You stepped on my hand." He points to Tate, showing her the imprint she left on his palm. Tatum couldn't help but laugh, covering her mouth with her palm.

"Um, this is Zia Rodrigeuz." Claire pointed towards Zia, introducing Owen and her as Tatum and Zach giggled to themselves over the fact Tate was now stained onto Owen's skin.

"Zia." Owen leans forward, gladly taking ahold of Zia's hand.

"Hey. How you doing?" Zia asks.

"Yeah, real good. How are you?"

"Good." Zia nods, before Claire and Owen's attention move to Franklin, the frantic boy fumbling around as his knee bounced up and down at a rapid pace. Tate stared in concern, knowing his adrenaline must be high.

"Franklin Webb. Systems analyst." Claire informed Owen.

"Nervous flyer?" Owen noticed his jumpiness, eyeing the young boy.

"Would you ride a- a thousand-pound horse that's been abused all its life?" Tate's face cringed at the odd comparison, turning to Zach for an answer of some sort. He only shrugged, also being confused on what Franklin had meant

"I rode my motorcycle through the jungle with a pack of raptors."

Silent for a moment, Franklin barely shook his head. "We're not compatible."

The buzzing of the plane caught Tate's attention, before she felt it rush into movement, the wheels sliding against the absent of the runway. Tate always enjoyed the flying experience and was thrilled that this trip would lead back to a place she called home. Even though she had felt antsy about the entire situation, she knew she had to stay calm and positive. The last thing she needs is the dinosaurs reading how petrified she is of how this'll all go.

All she could do was sit back and wait, hoping for the best.

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