TEN, War Weapon.

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CHAPTER TEN. War Weapon.

    "COME ON

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    "COME ON." Owen motions for the four to follow behind him, their footsteps all creeping down the corridor filling with steam and pipes. In the faint distance was the auction being held, the announcers voice echoing through the entire hall, giving all of them an idea on what was going on.

    Tatum's nerves had heightened at the prices her dinosaurs were being sold, in shock that this is something people would invest their money and time into, while also being disgusted that people supported such a thing. She wasn't against the causal auctioning of a few furniture items, but the fact that these were living creatures made her blood boil.

    "Sold! And now, ladies and gentlemen, that we are halfway through the evening..." Tatum heard from the middle of the hallway, her steps picking up as she had become intrigued on what the announcer was about to say. "... we'd like to offer a special treat to our discriminating buyers. This evening we will preview a new asset that we've been developing." The announcer announces, sparking the groups interests.

    "New asset?" Tatum whispers, glancing to Claire and Owen who shared mirroring expressions. Finding a small window to look out of, the five all crowded in front of it, getting the perfect view of the catwalk that held tracks to lead the dinosaurs cages out onto. The room was filled with rich businessmen and women in luxurious suits and dresses, sipping expensive wine with their golden platinum credit cards and cheque books all hanging out like it was nothing.

    "A creature of the future made from pieces of the past. Ladies and gentlemen, please be warned, this is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures that have ever walked the earth."

    "What the fuck." Tatum cursed, her hands crumbling together as the piercing of her nail tips pressed the inside of her palms.

    "We call it... the Indorapter." The announcer's voice echoed through the room as the large concrete doors flashed open, a bright light following a large exiting bar crate that contained some sort of carnivore that was incredibly similar to the Indominus. Its skin was littered with black scales, along with a tint of gold and gray. Its talons hung fearfully from its hands, the sharp edges of its teeth peeking out from the creases of its mouth.

    A chill ran down Tatum's spine at the sight, her eyes widening in shock of what they had created right under their noses. "The perfect weapon for the modern age. Built for combat, with tactical responses more acute than any human solider."

    "What is that thing." Claire gasped.

    Silent for a moment, Tatum gulped. "A war weapon." She growled.

    "They made it." Maisie murmuered. "Mr. Mills and the other man."

    "What man?"

    "Him." Maisie's finger pointed towards the culprit sat poshly on his chair, his grey suit standing out compared to the other well-dressed men in all black. Recognizing the man immediately, Tatum's jaw dropped.

✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now