FIVE, The Set Up.

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    THE WHEELS of the hummer vehicles skid to a stop as all three had made it up onto the radio towers mountain

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    THE WHEELS of the hummer vehicles skid to a stop as all three had made it up onto the radio towers mountain. In a quick motion, all exited the vehicles. Wheatley had forcefully led Franklin towards where the panel of the radio tower was held, the two beginning in a short amount of time to try and get the main entrance of the underground control center open.

    Tate's body had jumped at the sound of the volcano rumbling, Laza slowly cascading down the mountain, showing it was coming close to its eruption time. This created a fear in Tate's brain, wishing that these people had all come to them a lot sooner for the safety of not only the dinosaurs, but them, as well. Tate brought her boyfriend onto this island and was now risking his life for being here. A form of guilt had dug itself into her stomach, glancing towards Zach, who was in conversation with Zia.

    "You okay?" Owen stares at his ex-colleague, noticing her frantic state.

    "I'm just nervous." Tate mutters, rubbing her eyes.

    "Mhm." Owen hums, not buying it. "Have you and Zach been, ok? Problems in La La Land?"

    "What?" Tate gives him a confused look, her head tilting to the side.

    "I- never mind. Are you guys okay, though, seriously."

    Tate inhaled a hefty breath, nodding. "Yeah, Owen." She forms a genuine smile, peering over to her laughing boyfriend. "Were great, I promise. I just feel bad dragging him here, you know? His brother almost died here and so did he. It's just a lot and I feel like he's hiding his fear from me to not freak me out."

    "He does seem a little more jumpy than usual, doesn't he?"

    "Right!" Tate exclaims, her voice rising in pitch. "I just- I don't know. I feel like he's hiding something from me." Tate mutters, releasing a large breath of air. "He's been like this the past three weeks. We just had our anniversary and the entire time he seemed so, I don't know, hesitant, like he was scared to say something."

    "Oh." Owen slowly nodded his head, taking in Tate's words. Reviewing the information, she had just said, Owen's eyes slowly widened. "Oh!"

    "What?" Tate shook her head, confused. Owen only smirked, keeping his mouth shut. "Wha- what? What is that face you're making?"

    "I'm not making a face — this is my normal face."

    "No, that face is more stupid than usual." Tate quips, earning a smack from Owen. "Tell me!" Tate eggs on, ignoring the commotion in the background.

    "I- oh, look! They opened the door." Owen grins with stupidity. Tatum glared at the older man, watching him follow behind Claire like a lost puppy down the steps of the control room. Tate huffed in annoyance, groaning as she began to follow.

✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now