EIGHT, Lovin' Me.

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    THE BOAT had docked in the Lockwood estate, giving the group an idea that the island was never a real thing, all lies

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    THE BOAT had docked in the Lockwood estate, giving the group an idea that the island was never a real thing, all lies. It was obvious Claire was fuming with hatred, while Tatum's anger had yet to pipe down, especially after being healed by Zia and getting a deep rest in the arms of Zach. She had never felt more energized.

    While Claire and Owen were occupied driving their own way into the Lockwood's mansion, Tatum and Zach sat quietly in the back of the medical jeep with Blue and Zia. Tatum found it best to keep a close eye on Blue for Owen, while also being led unknowingly to where the rest of the dinosaurs were located.

    Tatum wasn't exactly sure on where they'd go from there after they, hopefully, successfully saved all the dinosaurs they could. Tatum would save all of them, she had to. She was just a tad bit worrisome on where exactly they'd be located after being retrieved. Maybe her parents would know a location. She'd figure it out one way or another.

    The rocky road of the estate bumped against the wheels, causing the three in the automobile to bounce up and down. Zia was kept in the corner, continuing to examine Blue to ensure she was healing correctly, while Tate and Zach tried their best to search around the area they were travelling through with minimal sight.

    "How's Blue?" Tate asked, flicking her eyes between Zia and the small crack through the curtain door. Zia shrugged, checking Blue's vitals.

    "Not bad. I'm more concerned about how she'll do when she stands for the first time and starts manoeuvring around, though." Zia responds, wiping her hands off with each other. "I just need to let her rest. Not much I can do."

    "Yeah," Tate's hand ran down Blue's scales. "I'm so on edge." She murmurs. "I wish I knew what was happening with all of this. I know Owen mentioned something about them possibly auctioning off the dinosaurs. You really think they'd do that?"

    "Not surprising. People will do anything for money these days." Zia sighs, speaking the truth. "But they need Blue for something else. None of us have had any idea on what possible reasoning they'd have behind meeting to save her besides maybe promising her to a buyer."

    "That's weird." Tate mutters, backing away from the curtain to rest against the metal compartment trunk. "She is the only one left of the raptor pack so I guess I understand why they'd make her a difficult sell. It just all seems so weird, you know? I feel like there's something more behind it."

    "Yeah, totally." Zia agrees, slouching into a more comfortable position. "Did you guys ever have to deal with this back when Jurassic World was opened? Like, the selling part. We're people trying to buy your dinosaurs?"

    "All the time. Especially when our lab and marketing team would over-exaggerate our newest additions to the park. When they were making the Indominous, all anyone could ever talk about around the park, even on social media, the news, everywhere, was about what could they be making in the lab that could be so exciting. Especially with it being a new breed, people were raving about it."

✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now