NINE, Baby Fever.

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    "OKAY, LET'S go this way

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    "OKAY, LET'S go this way." Tate pointed in a northern direction. Her and Zach had been locked down in this jail looking basement that held multiple breeds of Dinosaurs for a total of 15 minutes, her lips falling into a deeper frown each step she took realizing how depressed her dinosaurs looked. The fact that they had gone from being free and wild to this felt unreal, and Tate felt so guilty knowing she was a part of this.

    "This is horrible." Zach mutters from beside Tatum, examining the large corridor filled with herbivores. It had seemed the carnivores were located somewhere else, as Tatum and Zach had yet to see a single meat-eating dinosaur. "What would people even do with them? Keep them in a backyard?" Zach asked, referring to the fact these dinosaurs' souls were being sold away.

    "Something like that. Probably will kill them and skin them, or something." Tate shook her head at the thought, utterly disgusted. "None of the long-neck dinosaurs are here, at least I haven't seen any." Tatum mutters, her heart hurting a bit at the thought. "Poor Swiss."

    "How'd you even come up with that name?" Zach quirks an eyebrow.

    "Swiss alps." She shrugs, lying through her teeth. She was a tad bit embarrassed about the fact she named her after a cheese.

    "Mhm." Zach hummed, not feeding into her lie, while also smirking. Tatum ignored his teasing smirk and continued pacing through the empty storage room, keeping an eye out for any sign of Owen or Claire. Taking a left-hand turn, Tate and Zach had suddenly frozen at the sound of a loud banging erupting throughout the corridors. Giving one another a curious look, their steps shortened in caution.

    Hearing the familiar sound of speaking voices, relief washed over them. "Claire!" Tate shouted quietly, her head doing a 180 to try and discover where the couple might be located. "Owen!"

    "Tate?" She heard from the end of the hall, surprising both her and Zach. "Tate, is that you?"

    "Owen!" Tate rushes to a bar locked cell, her hands wrapping around the metal as she came face-to-face with Owen and Claire, both staring at a cracking cement wall. "What are you guys doing? Are you okay?"

    "We're fine, Tate. You?" Claire questioned, eyeing both Tate and Zach. The two nodded, both still confused on the banging coming from the other side of the concrete wall. "Good. Now, move out of the way." She commands. The two do as they were told, backing up as they watched Owen release a final whistle, before a large Pachycephalosaurus barged through the paved wall, startling Zach and Tate.

    "Oh, my god!" Tate laughed, smiling brightly as she, once again, recognized the dinosaur. It was easy to spot him out, as he had a chipped horn directly on the right.

    "Hey, buddy." Owen murmured, raising his hand as he shielded Claire from the raging animal. "Tate, I need you to do somethin' for me."


✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now