ELEVEN. I'll Always Love You.

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CHAPTER ELEVEN. I'll Always Love You.

    "YOU GOT it?" Owen whispers to Tate as her feet met the floor

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"YOU GOT it?" Owen whispers to Tate as her feet met the floor. She momentarily nodded, wincing at the excruciating pain she was currently feeling. Her dark jacket tightened around her waist, putting enough pressure on her side to hopefully contain the dripping blood falling from her abdomen. She wasn't sure on how she was still alive but wasn't complaining.

Once ensuring Tatum was okay and ready, the five all entered into the main household room of the Lockwood mansion, the room behind filled with all types of artifacts. It was dark, the only light being produced was from the skeleton displays in the museum like room. Tatum was in awe that somehow had such a thing in their house but had no time to admire it as a familiar roar sounded through the air, indicating they weren't alone.

Wasting no time, the five all crouched down, Tatum being an inch slower compared to them all. The five all huddled behind a large counter that displayed a triceratops skeletal figure on it, being large enough to hide them. Catching the sound of their footsteps, the Indorapter, who was in the midst of snacking on one of Mills security guards, began to make its way around the table, encouraging the five to snake around; praying to not be caught.

Tatum and Zach's bodies steamed with sweat, their breathing faltering at the endurance they've experienced throughout the day, the tiredness finally kicking in. The clicking of the Indorapter's claws caused everyone's nerves to heighten, their fear of the dinosaur catching them becoming thicker and thicker. Glancing to each other, the sudden sound of a radio coming on from right in front of them was heard, catching the Indorapter's attention from on top of the triceratops. Not knowing what else to do, the five all screamed out, running towards an exit point to hopefully escape the monster.

Entering into a vacant room, Tatum's hand clenched the side of her body, her eyes cringing shut as Owen began to mess around with a clutter of buttons and switches inside of a dusty power box, finding one certain switch that would cut the lights on the bottom floor. Doing so, the room went dark. Tatum was unsure if this was a good idea, but kept her mouth shut.

Her body was leant the farthest away from them, leaning against a small pillar that shielded her body enough to where she stayed hidden. She kept her eyes shut, continuing to clench her side in hope to ease the pain, but nothing had worked. She wondered if the bullet was still stuck inside of her, or possibly was able to flee before it could find itself a home in her abdomen. She wasn't sure, just curious. But either way, it hurt like hell.

"Are you okay?" Zach comes to Tate's side, watching his girlfriend slowly nod, sweat beaming down her forehead. He frowned at her state, feeling helpless. He hated seeing her in so much pain, physically, and emotionally. Tatum had come to terms she wouldn't be able to bring any of her dinosaurs out, making her feel even worse. The fact she had been shot didn't help, either. "We need to get you help."

✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now