SIX, Make Them Pay.

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CHAPTER SIX. Make Them Pay.

    "HELLO? HELLO, is anyone there? Can anyone hear me? Hello?" Claire frustratingly shouted into the radio, before slamming it down onto the steel table as Franklin typed away on the laptop, trying to find a way out

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"HELLO? HELLO, is anyone there? Can anyone hear me? Hello?" Claire frustratingly shouted into the radio, before slamming it down onto the steel table as Franklin typed away on the laptop, trying to find a way out.

"I- I'm trying everything. It's jammed — all of it. "Just take the job, son, build your people skills." Yeah, thanks, Dad." Franklin sassed his father's inspiring words, causing Zach to chuckle. He was the only one who seemed semi-calm in this situation, irritating Tate. She knew he was most likely keeping calm for her, but that didn't help her nerves. Gasping, a satisfactory beep came from the computer. "That's it!" Very few doors began to click, along with a ringing of a siren sounding around the bunker.

"Proximity alert." Claire informed. "Something's coming."

"Where does that tunnel lead?" Asked Franklin as the four turned that direction, staring at the dark abandoned circular corridor.

"Well, it connects to the rest of the..." A deep growl erupted from the distance inside of the tunnel, all ears catching that chilling noise. "...park."

"What was that?" Zach jumps to Tate's side, who's body had frozen out of fear. Tate wasn't lying when she had studied all types of roars and sounds that came from dinosaurs, so hearing that, she immediately recognized it.

"Is that the T-rex? Claire, it's the t-rex. Tate? Is that the t-rex? You aren't saying anything. It's the t-rex, it's the t-rex, it's the t-rex." Franklin frantically stuttered, his hands shaking.

"Shut up! It isn't the t-rex." Tate growled, her eyes never once leaving the tunnel. "It's the Allosaurus." She muttered, beginning to back up as a sudden burning sensation fell onto her right arm. Tate bounced back in agony, gripping the large gash that she had just received as the four all watch Lava beginning to cascade down into the bunker. Zach stayed by his girlfriend's side, eyeing her.

"Are you okay?" He turns his body fully towards her, trying his best to not irritate her skin more by attempting to examine the wound. Tate's eyes watered in pain, gently nodding her head. Zach knew she wasn't telling the truth and that it must hurt like a bitch, but he also knew there wasn't much time to focus on one thing. Zach wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but he knew Tate best — she'd rather escape this torture chamber than be babied.

Her hand lifted itself off of her burn that dented into her skin, forcefully yanking a piece of cloth she had found from an old rag to wrap around her wound, Zach aided her in this makeshift bandage making, resting his forehead onto her shoulder for a better view.

Her face cringed at the feeling, the burning numbing her arm completely to where she felt like it wasn't even there anymore. She tried to ignore the fueling pain, beginning to search for an exit point for them to run. Franklin released a series of loud shrills, causing the Allosaurus to mock the screaming boy. "Tate! What do we do! What do we do! Whistle! Freaking whistle and make it stop!" He commanded in a high-pitched tone of voice.

✔︎ KING OF MY HEART, Zach Mitchell ²Where stories live. Discover now