Chapter 4

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Isa's POV

2 Weeks later

I have just finished packing my suitcase. A lot has happened since the day ash told me her and Ali were adopting me and my brother.
First off I didn't end up getting kicked out as cam pleaded my case. Cam cried when he found out we were getting adopted. Lily Rose Maya and Ruth are friends now. I landed my 360 flip on my board. Birdy got a raise and well there's more that but I can't remember right now.
"Isa there here!" I hear cam shout from outside. As me and cam walk down the stairs binbags full of stuff in hand we see a guard of honour that has been formed leading out the exit. In it included all the kids from the home, staff, friends we made, neigbours, teachers, everyone that had played a role in me and cams adoption was there.
"Ash! Ali!" I shout as I see ash and Ali at the end of the guard. I run to them bin back still in my hand and I jump on both of them hugging them. Cam followed a little less extreme behind and hugged them both. We then turned to all the people behind us.
"Thanks for this. Thanks for everything. You all played a huge part in mine and Isa's happiness over the entire time we were in care we will never forget you." Cam says.
"Even if what he said was a bit sappy he's not wrong. Without everyone of you I'm not sure if this would be happening today. Me and cam owe you big time and we will always remember you." I then say. Everyone claps says I miss you and then we leave. Ash and Ali have taken our bin bags and we are sat in the car. Ash is right now driving us to their house well I mean I guess our house now in Montclair. It's around an hour and a half drive from the home so ali says we should try and get some sleep as we look tired. I close my eyes.

I guess I drifted off because I woke up to ali gently rubbing my arm from the front.
"Hey sweetie we're here now you gotta wake up." She said sweetly. I rub my eyes and mutter an ok. As I properly open my eyes and let them adjust to the light I see a massive brick house well mansion. I look out of cams window and see a huge drive behind a locked coded gate.
"Wow." I say shocked. Ali just chuckles.
"Welcome home kiddo." Ash says as she opens my car door. I just get out looking mesmerised. I was so mesmerised that I forgot to take my seatbelt off and fell back into the car.
"You good?" Ash says laughing and I nod laughing back.
"More than good." I say and she laughs once again.  I then take my seat belt off and get out of the car. I go stand next to cam who is standing at the entrance of the house.
"Sick innit." He says.
"Bigger then the orphanage." I say back.
"Now Stop standing there like muppets and come in." Ash says making us laugh and Ali to look at her disapprovingly.
"Now you two go choose your rooms. You will know which one is mine and Ash's if you see it." Ali says and me and Cam take off running.
"NO RUNNING ON THE STAIRS!" Ali shouts causing me and cam to stop automatically and burst out laughing.

I end up choosing a bedroom in the 'basement' it's not really a basement it's just the same level as a basement. It's massive though so I enjoy it. Cam chose one on one of the top floors. Ali and ash said they would take us shopping so we can decorate our rooms after we chose them so I think we're going now. I walk up the stairs and the kitchen is right there.
"I've chose mine!" I say and right after I see cam walk down the stairs and say that he's chosen his as well.
"Alright let's go shopping then. Have you 2 got any ideas?" Ash asks as we get in the car.
"Yep." Cam says.
"Nope."I say.
"No surprise there." Cam says and I punch him on the arm.
"Behave both of you." Ali says.
"Yes ma'am." Me and cam say in sync then we salute to her and burst out laughing.
"Like brother like sister." Ali says.
"That's right." Ash replies.

We're shopping right now and going in literally every shop. Cam and Ali are enjoying this. Me and ash not so much. That's until I see one of the best shops in the world.

 That's until I see one of the best shops in the world

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