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Work at the restaurant is slow today. Maybe because Christmas was just last week and people don't want to make another expense. Or because it's Wednesday and Wednesdays are never busy. Friday and Saturday are much more hectic.

I only started working here a few months ago, about to be a year. I finished my culinary education and then found a spot as an intern here. Things went well, and I got hired to work her further.

My shift is almost over, I was making sweets and pastries all day. I work again on Friday, and until then, my part is taken care of. There are still 45 minutes on the clock, though, and I'm so bored. My friends aren't helping, as none of them are replying. Eri is with Chrysa, most likely. They are always together. Maria is god knows where, though, I did see her like on ny close friends story on Instagram.

I sit at the back of the supply room. We have some unopened crates lining the walls, and they are very comfortable at the moment. Scrolling through my phone, looking at anything that catches my eye, just for time to pass by. I'm about to like a picture of some celebrity when Jeonghan walks in -he is one of the chefs that work here Monday to Thursday-. I see him lift a container of chicken stock.

"Table?" I ask him, turning off and slipping my phone in my pocket. "6 people, very hungry too." he sighs, walking back in the kitchen.

I follow him back inside and look at the counter where plates are left to be taken out. Mark, the server, walks in to get plates for his tables.

"Need any help?" I ask him, seeing there was a lot to be done. "Please do." He smiles at me before going out to serve the dishes. I nod and tighten my ponytail before picking up two orders of spring rolls. I carry them outside to the front of the restaurant.

The interior is nicely decorated, the owner has great style. She is a nice lady, my friend's mother, and basically how I found such a good position so soon into my career. The walls are some shade of dark grey with dim lighting and expensive painting hanging from the walls. It exudes luxury.

There is one couple on the right of the floor and a family of four near them. Both tables were about to close their checks. On the left side, 6 guys sit around one of the tables, a few plates already on their table. One of them has full cheeks and dimples you can see from afar. He is already munching on some spring rolls. Dimples-guy is talking with his mouth full, but he seems sweet, passionate about whatever he's discussing. The one to his left is laughing at what he is saying. He seems to have table manners, using his knife and fork. The smile on his face is stunning. He is smiling with his eyes. On the right of the guy with the dimples sits another one of them, jet black hair, long. I think it's a mullet with how it's shaved at the sides. His nose sticks out, but he is so good-looking. Like a cat.

I catch his eye, locking our gazes as I get near. I smile and break our staring, without a word place down the spinach puffs on the table.

At the head of the table, one with short hair and a goofy smile sits. His built is that of the closet. He must be the oldest. To his right, a guy with longer blue-black hair with blonde money pieces, his lips remind me of a fish, his smile is goofy too. Dimples-guy is telling a story, apparently. The last one is closer to me and turned facing his friends, I couldn't see his face, only his peachy coloured hair. He was loud.

"Enjoy!" I say. I'm staying there for a minute, in case they need anything else before I go. Peachy-guy turns to me. His lips are small but full, his cupid bow so prominent. His eyes capture mine, and I wait to hear what he needs. "You are the chef?" he asks, and I take a second to recollect my words. "Um...the patissier, I make any desserts we serve..." I explain to the best of my abilities.

I guess he is curious. My uniform is different from Mark's. He is wearing a white dress shirt with a black apron tied around his waist. I'm wearing my black chef's jacket, it has white details at the ends and on the collar. My name is threaded in white as well, and the buttons are heart-shaped. Eri is the one that made it. She owns her own atelier, and I asked her if she could do this favor. It turned out amazing.

"Can we get dessert too?" Dimples-guy chimes in just then. I smile at him. He seems sweet. "Later, Jooheon later." The one with the pretty smile reassures him. "I hope you do." I say."I put a lot of effort into them, so I'm sure you'll enjoy them." I lock eyes again with the one with the pointy nose one as I speak. "Then we will definitely get some." The one I'm looking at speaks up. I smile and nod. "I must go get the rest of your orders."

I quickly turn around, rushing back to the kitchen. More of their order is prepared, and for a few minutes, moving plates is what I do. Their table filled with plates of food. They were all enjoying themselves and the food.

I am catching smiles and glances here and there with peachy and nose guy. The one with the money pieces, I overheard one of them call him Hyungwon. It was difficult to pay attention when they changed their topic so quickly each time. I am on the last 10 minutes by now. Mark's side had paid their checks and had left. The group I have been serving, the only ones here. My hair is a little disheveled from walking back and forth, my feet killing me. I have been standing up for at least 8 hours. I bring out the last of their main dishes, put it down.

Mark reaches me, "Go change, I'll take care of the rest of it." He tells me, and I nod.

"Thanks, Mark. I'll see you Friday..." I walk back to the kitchen and through there to get to the lockers where my stuff is locked behind. I make quick worn and change (I only take off my jacket) and stay with my cargos and a black top. Unzipping my bag, I exchange the chef's jacket with an oversided blue and black flannel that's a little too big for me, but intentionally. I let my hair down, ruffling it to style it better. Throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I walk out the back. Already I feel relaxed leaving that place, work is still work no matter how much I love it.

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