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With that intense conversation now over, we were left lying on our asses, waiting for time to pass by. Maria and Chrysa are in the living room. She connected her phone to the tv that is hanging above the fireplace there, and they have been watching music videos for the past hour or so.

Zuho called Eri, and they were in the other room talking. I don't know if she'd say what happened through the phone, but either way, I am hoping they will be okay. I've met Zuho and hung out with him many times. He is a good guy, and I know he likes Eri so much. It'd be disheartening for them to break up over nothing.

I'm sitting upstairs in one of the rooms just staring at the ceiling. I took an advil earlier and felt better. Do I have to choose between the two guys? I know I'm a libra all in all, but this is just too much.

The doorbell rings downstairs, and Maria goes to open. It's probably one of the guys. It's not just anyone. It's Hyungwon. "Hey Hyungwon." She tells him. "Do you need something?" She asks him, and he nods. He is dressed in black gym shorts and a matching black t-shirt. "You forgot about the hike, didn't you?" he asks with a cute pout that makes Maria melt inside. "A bit... a lot happened the past hour. But just wait, I'll go get dressed quickly." She says and disappears upstairs.

I look up when Maria enters and room, frantic looking through her clothes. "Everything okay?" I ask her, and she shakes her head as she picks out some shorts and a black tank top. They'd be matching with Hyungwon. "Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up and watching her dress into the outfit she chose. "Hike. With Hyungwon. I forgot." She spits a few words, and I'm left connecting the pieces together. "Oooh, more kissing?" I ask, and she side eyes me. She quickly applies sunscreen and lip balm on her before patting my head and walking out again. I hear her footsteps downstairs. Then the door closes shut.

"Ready?" Hyungwon asks her, and Maria nods, skipping down the steps. They start walking. The same way as last night, but when they reach the two paths again, Hyungwon takes her hand and goes to the left with her. He doesn't let go, and they keep walking. "Do you know where we are going?" Maria asks, putting her hands on her waist, letting go of Hyungwon's.

"I don't, but isn't this more fun? We'll find out something we don't know." He tells stepping over some twigs on the ground. "It is fun. I like it. It's really pretty." She sees a bush of flowers and stops to smell them. They smell fresh, and she cuts one to take with her.

"So when we get back... I hope I can see you more." Hyungwon says to her. Looking at her. "Or I will come ask again about my skin." He teases her. "You will see me more." She agrees. Hyungwon is a nice guy, and she likes him already. "Just please, I don't want to hear anything else about your skin. I had enough." Hyungwon laughs, "no promises, your pharmacy is literally next to my house." He then leans in wanting to kiss her again. Last night wasn't enough, but she put her hand on his chest, stopping him. "I want to know this is something, though. I'm not interested in just some fling." Maria tells him, and Hyungwon tries to think of what he wants. "It's not a fling, trust me. I wouldn't bother talking to you if all I wanted was five minutes with you." Hyungwon says, and Maria kisses him finally, satisfied with his answer. "You last only five minutes?" She asks, laughing. "You don't want to know how long I last, Maria." He tells her and continues walking.

Back at the house, Eri and Chrysa were starting to get hungry. "I'm so hungry. Do we have anything to cook?" Eri asks Chrysa, who shakes her head negatively. "I don't think so." She says we have only bought snacks and junk food. "On the map, there was a tavern near here. Do you think we can go there to eat?" Eri suggests, checking her phone, that it is true and she didn't imagine it. "Yeah, it's called the Wild Byson." Eri laughs at the name. "I will ask Stas if she's hungry too." Chrysa says and gets up. She goes upstairs and walks into the room. I'm lying down again. "Are you hungry?"

I look up at her and let my head fall on the pillow again. "Ah, no. Why?" I ask her. "There's a tavern near here. We are thinking of going there to eat." Chrysa explains to me. "Oh okay, be careful, text when you reach it." I say and turn to my side to try and take a nap.

Chrysa walks downstairs again and shakes her head. "Nope, just us." Chrysa sighs. "Should I ask Jooheon? They have two cars." Eri nods, weary of seeing Shownu, but it will be fine. She won't be alone with him, it's okay. Chrysa texts Jooheon for them and the guys to go to the tavern. His reply is almost instant, as if he was on his phone waiting for her text. Shownu and Kihyun are available, while Hyungwon is with Maria lost in the woods, and Im with Minhyuk are hangover. It will be the five of them.

The two girls go upstairs to get ready. After yesterday, Chrysa wanted to look presentable. Yes, Jooheon did see her in her pajamas, but she still wants to get him to like her. Eri wears her usual clothes. A pink skirt with a white top and fluffy pink top over that. She wears white stockings and leg warmers and pink shoes that look more like bricks rather than footwear. Chrysa is wearing brown corduroy jeans and a cute cream sweater with cut-outs on the shoulders.

Once Jooheon is outside with Kihyun and Shownu, he shoots a text Chrysa. The two girls walk out of the house and get into the car. Jooheon is the driver and let Chrysa sit at the front. Eri saw how Jooheon had his hand on Chrysa's thigh. They two of them cozying up to each other more and more as the says go on. She is sitting next to Kihyun and then is Shownu. Chrysa put the location of the tavern in the gps. It's a five minute proximity from here. When they arrive They all get out of the car. The old couple running the tavern seems very welcoming and warm. They must not have a lot of visitors up here. Once they find a table, the old lady brings menus, and they skim through them. Honestly, there are so many good options. So once everyone is settled on a main dish, they decide on starters to share and try many things.

At the house again, I'm still in bed, half asleep. The door suddenly knocks, and I groan. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away. I'm out of luck as the person outside knocks again, and I'm forced to get up. I roll off and get up slowly, getting to the downstairs.

I walk and open the door. Minhyuk and Im stand there. They seem just as hangover now. "Everyone us gone. Shownu said you're still here." Minhyuk says, and I walk back in, letting them walk inside. "Yeah, I didn't feel good to go with." I mumble, walking to the living room and dropping myself on the couch.

They let themselves in. Im closes the door, and they walk over. They sit on the couch across from me, but with my face shoved into the pillow, I can't see them. "Same way here. We took aspirins. I'll never let you feed me another drink in my life." Minhyuk says, nudging his friend with his elbow. "Hey, my drinks were fine. You just can't handle them." Im argues back. I don't want to mention the kiss. What if they don't remember and I make a fool of myself.

"Stas." I groan as I hear my name. "Do you remember what happened last night?" Im asks me, and I go quiet. I don't want this. "Mm... no. What?" I ask. "I remember what happened." Im says, and Minhyuk nods, but I can't see him. "What happened?" I ask and finally turn my head to peak at them. Minhyuk waves at me, and I wave back. "Sounds to me like you're lying. I know you remember that we kissed." Im says, being more serious now. I can talk myself out of this. "Nope." I say and sit up, looking at them now. "Do I need to remind you?" Minhyuk asks me, and I sit still as he moves across, where I sit. He turns my face and leans in. Instinctively, I kiss him back. It lasts only a few seconds before he resumes back to his spot, next to Im. "Did that freshen your memory?" Im asks, with a smirk. I hate them. "Maybe." I say, crossing my arms. "Are you okay with us?" Minhyuk asks me, and I nod, "i'm okay, yeah." I tell them. "Have you done this before?" I ask them, and they shake their heads. "No, but I told Minhyuk, we need to talk to you if last night wasn't for nothing." Im tells me and finds a new seat next to me, I hold his words dearly. I appreciate that they decided to talk to me. "I appreciate it a lot." I say. I'd never ask them to argue over me even if I know them for a few days. Im leans in to kiss me, I smile into the kiss. I'm enjoying this too much.

My stomach growls. Maybe I am hungry after all. "Are you guys hungry? Maybe I can cook something..." It would be rude to go to the tavern now, after I refused. Both boys nod, and I go to the kitchen to see if I can cook up a meal. Luckily, there were some instant noodles. The best hangover meal. I start cooking while the two of them watch and help me.

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