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"Shhh stay here!" Zuho whisper-yells at Eri, who is sitting at the back of his car, still drunk. They are outside the boys' house. Their street is dead quiet, and he assumes everyone inside the building is asleep as well. "But I want to come with you!" Eri complains as Zuho pulls Kihyun out of the backseat where he was with Eri previously. They had to get home somehow. His arm is around Kihyun's waist hoisting him up, he is mumbling nonsense in his ear, while he is trying to discipline Eri. "I'm just putting him to bed, I will be back before you know it." Zuho tells her and pats her head. He is careful when closing the door, incase she moves suddenly.

He sighs and carries Kihyun inside, at last he has the mind to walk on his feet. He keeps giggling and talking about random things. "Kihyun where are your keys?" He asks him, turning to face him. Kihyun faces him, too. "Pocket!" He is so smiley when he is drunk. He sighs again and reaches into his left pocket for the keys, not there. They are in the right one, thank god. They make it to the door and the keys jingle in his hands as he unlocks. Kihyun has a keychain of a hamster. The door clicks and he pushes it open with his foot to make room for them to pass. There are lights on in the living room and few articles of clothing on the floor. He sighs, hoping to not run into anyone.

"Where is your room Kihyun?" Zuho asks and Kihyun lets go of him, walking ahead into a hallway, he follows him. There are open doors, and one closed with a sock hanging from the door handle. "Hyungwon is with a girl." Kihyun tells Zuho and he nods, Hwiyoung had told him Maria was with some new guy, and he saw them in the club earlier. It didn't take a genius to understand that it was them. Zuho looks ahead and follows Kihyun into his room, he assumes it is. The boy dives head first into the mattress, doesn't even try to turn the light on.

Zuho sighs and turns around, walking to find a bathroom, glad for all the door being open, he finds it and looks through the cabinets to find some aspirin. He takes that and goes to the kitchen for some water, in the end he leaves the glass and pill on the boy's nightstand. "I'm going to go now, okay?" He asks, but Kihyun is deep asleep by now. He nods and walks out of the room, on his way out he runs into Hyungwon, who is just in his boxers. His neck looks abused and he doesn't question, why. "Kihyun is sleeping, I dropped him off." He tells Hyungwon, whom rubs his eyes, he probably just woke up. Hyungwon nods and Zuho takes the chance to walk to the door to make it out. Eri is still, outside in the car, or so he thinks.

He walks to the living room and sees me and Eri talking, when did I come in? He thinks, he never heard the door open and close, hell he even went to the kitchen minutes ago. "When did you get here?" He asks and we all turn to him. "I saw Stas and I wanted to say hi." Eri says and I nod, I look at him. I never liked Zuho, ever since he cheated on Eri. I know she likes him and that things are even now, after she cheated too, but I'm still not over it. "We should get home, Eri, it's late." He already felt awkward enough being here.

Minhyuk and Im are in the kitchen, getting some water for themselves. "Didn't you show up at our trip?" Im asks once he comes over, handing me a glass with water. He didn't have the best first impression of Zuho. I was too anxious about having to leave the trip early and my reaction to Eri's boyfriend wasn't the most friendly one. Hyungwon joined Minhyuk, who was still in the kitchen, wondering what was going on. He had to go back to Maria, she was waiting in his room for some water. "Oh, I did, sorry about that." Zuho tells Im and the shorter guy nods, he had no interest in being buddies with him. It was five in the morning.

I yawn and hug Eri, I really want to go to sleep. "Goodnight, Eri." I tell her and she kisses my head. "Goodnight, kid." I take Im's hand and pull him towards his bedroom, we don't even make it to the beginning of the hallway, the door opens, Jooheon and Chrysa walk in. Hand in hand, looking all lovey dovey, until they see everyone is practically there. Im looks at me and lets go of my hand, if I want to go over to my friend.

"Oh, I didn't think anyone would be home..." Jooheon says, more so confused about Zuho. "Eri what are you doing here?" Chrysa asks her and then looks at Zuho. "We stopped to drop off Kihyun, but everyone is here now." Eri tells Chrysa. "I want to go sleep!" Jooheon complains to her pulling her hand. "I guess I will see you tomorrow Eri." Chrysa says and they hug quickly. Her and Jooheon walk over to where Im and I stand. "Of course you're here as well." She says and I nod, letting them walk past, they close the door when they're inside Jooheon's room.

Hyungwon follow them, but he enters his room instead. I catch a quick glimpse of Maria, I can't wait to hear about this from her in the morning. Zuho and Eri finally get to walk out, he is practically holding onto her for dear life, he wants no more interactions with anyone. The two walk to his car, Zuho helps her in her seat and buckles her in. "We should see Kihyun again, I want to see him again." She says as Zuho starts the car. He nods, "Yeah, maybe. We can see him again." He starts driving to his apartment. Eri is still not sober, he won't risk leaving her alone in this state.

"What took you so long?" Maria asks half asleep, wrapped up under the sheets, naked. She heard her friends outside. She thought it would be just the two of them. "Everyone came home at this hour." He hands her the glass of water she asked for and takes his robe off. Wearing nothing under he gets in the bed next to her. "They went to sleep now, you'll see them in the morning." He takes the glass when she's done. "Even Chrysa?" She asks and he nods "Yeah, they were the last. Eri left with, what's his name? They dropped off Kihyun." Hyungwon shrugged. "Stas?" Maria asks him, worried about me. "Here too, she's fine." Hyungwon smiles and looks down at Maria. He likes that she cares about her friends, though their front door is now filled with even more shoes.

Jooheon is left in nothing but boxers, the hawk on his stomach out for show. He likes to be comfortable when he slips. Chrysa got some boxers of his and shirt to sleep in. She squeals, feeling cute, wearing her boyfriend's, yes boyfriend's clothes. She lays down next to Jooheon. For a few minutes she cuddles with him before turning to her side to sleep. It doesn't take her long to fall asleep after the day they've had. Damn isn't is tiring to have sex in a car.

"Come on, you need to sleep." Minhyuk ushers me towards Im's room, he has the biggest bed here and so it'd easier to pile up in it. Despite what happened in that alleyway, I'm still blushing when they take off their shirts. If I wasn't tired I'd demand another round. "Don't look at us like we're a piece of meat." Minhyuk jokes, trying to cover up, but he just changes into sweatpants Im gives him. And I, I am handed a grey hoodie. "Get changed." Im tells me "I need help." I turn around, the corset I'm wearing has clasps in the back, ones I can't reach. I feel his fingertips brush on my back as he unhooks each one. Minhyuk now in his sweats, jumps in bed and just watches us with his arms folded behind his head. With my top off I get up and throw on the hoodie, next on I undo my belt and remove my pants. Im and Minhyuk look so cuddly like that, laying next to each other. I crawl on the bed, finding a spot next to them. I'm the little spoon with Minhyuk while Im has his nose buried in my neck. The two boys fall asleep in seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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