01 | I'm better than you in every way possible

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"It's not my fault that I'm just better than you in every way possible," he smirked as he leaned in close.

I take a step back, fighting the urge to smack him in the face. My features are clearly displaying my annoyance.

We're currently outside of second period, AP Lang, discussing the previous event that took place during class.

"Miss, it's obvious that Thompson doesn't have a solid fact to back up her argument," Aiden states with a slight smirk apparent on his face, his gaze fixed on me.

I roll my eyes, avoiding his gaze. It's almost the end of class, and I still have one minute to back up my argument. The class is currently debating the topic of environments, and by the class, I mean Aiden and I.

"You have 30 more seconds left, Zhera; if you can't find a solid fact to back up your argument, then Mister Aiden's team wins." Miss Humingbird is giving me a pointed look.

I nod, thinking hard and trying to find a way to win this. I could sense Aiden's cocky smirk from across the room. But I quickly shake my head, trying to stay focused.

Since we've been placed in this class together, we always end up as opponents when it comes to debates. Neither of us is giving up. I know by now our classmates are used to this and just use us as a form of entertainment.

I hear the bell ring, taking me out of my trance.

"Times up, Zhera; it looks like Aiden's team won today." Miss Humingbird boredly says

I sigh in frustration and start packing my bags, making my way out of class. I hear footsteps coming towards me and immediately frown.

"Hey sweetheart, it seems like I won again, not to anyone's surprise, though." He laughs, flashing that smile that I've seen so many times.

"Whatever Miller, this was a stupid debate anyway."

He smiles for a moment, leaning on the wall.

"It's not my fault that I'm just better than you in every way possible, Thompson," he smirked, leaning closer to me. I hate it when he does that, obviously making fun of our height difference since he stands at 6 feet.

I quickly take a step back, resisting the urge to punch him in the face. Annoyance is obviously showing on my features.

I cross my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow. "Don't get too cocky, Miller; I've beaten you way more times before."

He smirks, turning around and raising one hand in the air. "Whatever you say, Thompson!"

I roll my eyes and make my way to my locker.

Aiden Miller is the embodiment of annoying and stuck-up. From his dark tousled hair, dark hazel eyes, and flashy smile, that's won all the girls. I've known him for the longest time and still can't stand him. We've been in rivalry for a long time, having most of our classes together, sadly. He just knows how to push my buttons.

I sigh, making my way past the students in the busy hallway. I groan when I see people making out in the corner of the hall. This is Crestview Academy, one of the most prestigious high schools in the country, standing at the heart of the city. It's known for its amazing academics and fierce rivalries.

In this school with smart students, some can be very dumb because they just make out in the hallways like this. Get a room.

I roll my eyes before finally arriving at my locker. Suddenly, a face peaked out of nowhere. I jumped, but then signed after realizing it was Ciara.

"Ciara, how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?"

Ciara shrugged. "Sorry, girl, it's just a force of habit."

I rolled my eyes before shutting my locker and taking out my books for science, which is my least favourite class.

"So you know that guy that I've been telling you about?" she shyly says, changing the subject.

"Oh, yeah, the boy that you've been talking about twenty-four seven nonstop?"

She blushed "Well, I've got some good news. He asked me out on a date."

I gasped, squeezing her hand as we both started squealing in the hallway, earning a couple of glances. "Stop!, you have to tell me all about this, ok? Don't leave out any details; I'm serious."

She chuckled. "Ok, ok, so-

Before she could finish that sentence, the bell rang, and I groaned in frustration, putting my head back.

"Hate that fucking bell! I'll just tell you later, in class,"she says as we start making our way to science, which is also another class that I hate, like I said before, mainly because I have it with none other than Aiden Miller.

Hello everyone! this is the first chapter of my first ever book!! I'm so exited for what's to come in the future

I wanted to make this book feel like a typical teen fiction romance novel! like the ones made in 2013-15

This chapter was pretty short but the chapters to come will definitely be a bit longer, and ill try to update every Friday, or just when i'm able too!!

bye have a nice day!!

- Eden (August 3rd 2023)

word count: 885

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