02 | Just the beginning

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3 years ago

I sigh as I take a step out of the car, being cautious to hold my project in my hands.

"Zhera, you better win this; I didn't take a day off work for you to lose; you heard me?" My mother remarked firmly as she adjusted her blouse.

I nod as she walks a few feet in front of me, and I begin to make my way to school quickly behind her. I know it sounds cheesy, but yeah, I'm currently in school on a Friday night for a science fair, the annual 9th grade science fair.

Laugh all you want, but I enjoy science, and this is a big deal since the winner will receive a pretty good sum of money, maybe around one hundred.

As we made our way through the door, I noticed a swarm of students and their parents frantically finishing up their projects.

Taking a look at some of the students work and then mine, I feel a bit self-conscious. Will this even win?

I decided to build a hydroponic garden, which took me days and several nights, but thanks to the heavens, I finished on time.

Mom and I continued to make our way further into the school, heading to the gym where the fair took place, before someone interrupted us.

"Oh my goodness, Sadie? It's been a while, my dear!" A fruity voice exclaims from behind us.

My mom stops in her tracks and says, "Hello, Madelyn, it's so nice to see you here!"

Madelyn, who's that? probably one of Mom's work friends. She's very beautiful, though. Her hair is black and straight, while her checks are rosy and beautiful, painted with makeup.

I awkwardly stand in the middle, pretending to be interested in the wall, as they talk for a few minutes about their jobs.

A few moments pass. "And you must be Zhera, right?" The lady, who I suppose is Madelyn, turns to face me with a gentle smile.

I grin sweetly and say, "Yes, I'm Zhera. Nice to meet you, miss."

She shakes her head. "Oh, please, honey, no need for that; call me Madelyn. I used to change your diapers when you were younger; remember that?"

I awkwardly smiled. How am I supposed to answer that? I was a freaking infant; of course, I wouldn't remember.

I shake my head and say, "Uh no, sorry."

My mom clears her throat, swaying from one leg to another. "So, Madelyn, what brings you here?"

"Oh, I'm just here to support my son; he's also participating in the fair. I was just with him a moment ago, but he decided to wander off somewhere." Knowing he still hasn't returned, she says that last line anxiously.

"Ahh, okay, we'll. My daughter, as you can see, is also competing in the fair."

She turns her full attention to me. "Zhera, why don't you go ahead? I'll catch up to you later."

I nodded, relieved to be free of that uncomfortable situation. My mother is no longer in view as I continue down the hallway, silently humming.

I stopped in my tracks when I suddenly saw a figure coming my way.

Wait, it's not coming, more like running.

I squint my eyes in an effort to decipher who the hell is rushing towards me at top speed. As he runs, he bumps into a few people, not even apologizing. Why is that boy in such a hurry?

As I continue to question, he gets closer and closer, and at the last second, I fail to get out of the way, causing him to collide into me and sending my project flying in the air.

This moment feels like it's going in slow motion, like those scenes in movies.

"Noooooo!" I scream in slow motion as my project goes flying above our heads, trying to also shove the boy off me. His eyes also widen, his mouth hanging out in an O as he also watches my project fly through the air, dirt from it landing all over me.

Vigorously cursing when the dirt ruins my favourite floral dress

Back to reality when everything isn't in slow motion now. My project comes crashing to the floor; everything is destroyed.

"What the hell!" I cried, and as I scooted the boy off me, I sent him a glare.

He's awkwardly scratching the back of his jet-black hair while giving me a nervous smile.

"Uhh, sorry," he shrugs as he starts making his way past me, not bothering to at least help me clean up the mess he caused.

I grab his hand, stopping him from moving entirely past me. "You stop right there; I am not letting you off the hook after the stunt you just freaking pulled." I hissed, and he rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's not my fault that you didn't get out of the way like everyone else." The lunatic's tone is stern but slightly irritated.

I tighten my grasp on his hand, stomping my feet in protest. "Listen here, you dim-witted lunatic; did you not think of not running through the halls like a maniac at full speed, especially during a science fair where there would be lots of people with their projects? huh?!"

He flinched a bit but quickly regained his demeanour: "Look, I'm sorry for what happened, but this isn't entirely my fault, okay?, so I'm sorry. Are you happy now?"

I sigh in disbelief. "Do you honestly think—" Before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off.

"Listen, whatever your name is."

"It's Zhera."

"Yeah, Zhera, I'm sorry, alright? Let's just call it a day and not let this ruin the fair."

The hell does he mean not to let this ruin the fair; he literally decapitated my project and expects me to "call it a day?"

As I stand there in disbelief, he stares at me with his hazel eyes, which are filled with nothing but boredom.

"Happy now? Bye."

The boy, whose name I never caught, makes his way past me and heads to the gym. I'm still frozen in place, dumbfounded to even hear the announcer start the introductions.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, to the annual 9th grade fair!"

Guess who that boy was? You guessed it? Yes, none other than Aiden freaking Miller.

What an amazing encounter, right?

Later on, I got to know his name by hearing the announcer yell it as the winner of the fair, with his mom, Madelyn, jumping in excitement beside him and Aiden flashing that famous smile of his to the crowd.

To this day, that name still rubs me the wrong way.

That night, my mom gave me an earful about how I'm so clumsy and that it would be the last time she ever took a day off of work to help me with something.

To this day, she still stuck to her words. Wonderful

That was my first encounter with Aiden Miller, and I hoped that it would be the last, but little did I know that that was just the beginning.

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love y'all bye
word count: 1194

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